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Advertisement - Monthly Auction on Logos - Logos For Sale
Plan A:
- offer a logo for 6 months, 50 per month.
Plan B:
- fix the number of logos on offer, e.g., 3.
- Each logo is offered for 1 month, only.
- Each logo is bid for in open bidding process.
- I'll bid 1 euro.
- Someone more serious than me will bid 2 euros.
- Someone even more serious will go 4 euros.
And so on until we reach a winning bid
For extra points:
- Use a Vickrey Auction: price paid by winner is the 2nd highest bid.
- Minimum price is 10 euros, below which it isn't worth doing the work. If not reached, the logo is "passed in" to use the lingo. This can be established later on when we've reached a price.
- Only CAcert members can bid!
- Bids by email to the Treasurer, with CARS down the bottom.
need to establish a fast way to upload the logos ...
don't want to short change people of their month.
- We can store the logos in the wiki as attachments on a special page, and have the main website refer to them. ACLs on the wiki can be controlled easily.
From Board Meeting 2011-08-07
see sample on Testserver
- in a previous meeting we had discussions about how to handle adverting ... and the rules on what has to be done ... we need to continue here to tell 'software' what to code ... (and to test ...
- we need to describe how the process works, and what the system should be able to do
- to see an "available" slot on the testserver, so we can test the "buy me" button and see if the correct info is displayed.
- if the 'logo' is not booked, we should redirect this to a wiki page ... with the rules on it ... and ... we should define, if the advertising logos should be displayed at non-login-state and/or even when logged in ...
- i think the advertising logos should always be displayed, irrespective of login status
- we should make sure the "logo" is a simple jpg, not an activeX or Java script (that needs to be checked with the software) to avoid some "clever" hacks
- would it be possible to come up with a proposal? Like the way the bidding works. What is on there if no one bought the place (something like "your logo could have been here"), etc.
- there are three exceptions: cats, blog and translingo ...
- software-team can do the technical proposal ... but the bidding-proposal should be discussed with more board-members
- people should have time to bid for a place up until two weeks before the start of the month, and bidding is per month, so someone could propose an offer for the coming 12 months, but it would not be a guarantee, it could be that someone bids more next month
it should be at least 10 euro, like on comma/SpecialCampaigns/LogosForSale
From Software-Assessment project team meeting 2011-08-09
- Wiki links
CAcertInc/LogosForSale/Rules wiki link exist
- wiki links
- Testlink for external redirection
ads5 ADS5
Series A
- "buy me" logo / "Logo For Sale" logo / "Monthly Auction on Logos" logo
- "buy me" logo / "Logo For Sale" logo / "Monthly Auction on Logos" logos 40px
- "buy me" logo / "Logo For Sale" logo / "Monthly Auction on Logos" logos 60px
Series B
- "buy me" logo / "Logo For Sale" logo / "Monthly Auction on Logos" logo
- "buy me" logo / "Logo For Sale" logo / "Monthly Auction on Logos" logos 60px