All you need to know about CAcert Assurance Program FAQ/AssuranceIntroduction |
CAcert at School
Teaching material
Security for e-mail or the use of certificates can also be subject of teaching at schools. This page is a library of lesson materials on this topic.
Minors can be CAcert assurer, however never award more than 10 points. See PoJAM.
Primary/Elementary/Preparatory school (year 1-7)
Activity Cards about netiquette and trust
Kidsmart lesson plans
Digital Literacy and Citizenship lesson plans and material
Cybersafety by the government of Australia
Safer internet EU
Insafe produces a range of resources to help children and young people, and their parents, carers, teachers and educators, experience a safer - and better - internet.Safer Internet UK
There are a range of resources to help you bring internet safety into the classroom and to help you develop a progressive digital literacy curriculum within school.
Text / your experience with these teaching materials?
Secondary/Public school (year 7-12)
Activity Cards about netiquette and trust
Digital Literacy and Citizenship lesson plans and material
Safer internet
Insafe produces a range of resources to help children and young people, and their parents, carers, teachers and educators, experience a safer - and better - internet.Safer Internet UK
There are a range of resources to help you bring internet safety into the classroom and to help you develop a progressive digital literacy curriculum within school.
If you use the services of CAcert at the Secondary School, please remember: CAcert is a service provided by volunteers. However, the operation of the computer centre incurs costs that must be covered by contributions. Donate as much as a textbook would cost. Preferably as an annually recurring donation. If you need a receipt for the school management or the student council, please write to secretary AT-SIGN cacert DOT org |
Text / your experience with these teaching materials?
College/Sixth Form/Grammar School (year 9-14)
Activity Cards about netiquette and trust
Safer internet
Insafe produces a range of resources to help children and young people, and their parents, carers, teachers and educators, experience a safer - and better - internet.Safer Internet UK
There are a range of resources to help you bring internet safety into the classroom and to help you develop a progressive digital literacy curriculum within school.Minors can become CAcert assurers, but they can never be awarded more than 10 points. See policy PoJAM.
Practical task for middle school students on Encryption/Certificates: "Extend the e-mail programme on your personal PC so that you can sign and encrypt e-mails. You can use Thunderbird with the addon Enigmail or another programme. Make sure that your name is included in the certificate. Send a signed e-mail to the teacher. Exchange the keys with him. Send (xyz) encrypted to your teacher. The task is completed when one signed and one encrypted e-mail with your name in the certificate has reached the teacher by x.x.x".
In some cases a more in-depth or more technical background is desired. A practical approach leading to the theory would be: "Read up on the subject in the CAcert wiki (depending on the year, this may need to be fleshed out a bit or a start page given, e.g. the Assurer's Handbook). Take the Assurer Examination (CATS) on If you do not pass, analyse the comments on the results page. Retake the exam. Once you have passed the Assurer exam, do several Assurance/Counter-Assurance until you have 100 confidence points. Credit the counter-assurance points and conduct one assurance/counter-assurance each with your teacher (adjust if necessary if other assurers are available): "a teacher", "Mrs T. from Technical Services", etc.). The task is completed when the counter-assurance is credited to (xyz) in the system by x.x.x."
Web of Trust / Identity Verification When all children in the class have passed the assurer exam (CATS), they can assure each other. This will provide for any isolated inconsistencies or difficulties (secondary document, foreign documents, etc.). These are discussed at the end. Proceed as in a role play - but here it is "real" and the points are credited afterwards. Encourage children to work conscientiously (what may/must/should not be written on the form, duty to keep records; in case of mistakes, someone can call the arbitration court). This requires Assurance Forms (CAP) and the Guide for Parents.
In open lessons, the children can create modules and exercises themselves using this information about phishing. Our school officer would be happy to receive copies of these (even if not intended for direct publication). Please write to secretary ATSIGN cacert DOT org
If you use the services of CAcert at the College/Sixth Form/Grammar School, please remember: CAcert is a service provided by volunteers. However, the operation of the computer centre incurs costs that must be covered by contributions. Donate as much as a textbook would cost. Preferably as an annually recurring donation. If you need a receipt for the school management or the student council, please write to secretary AT-SIGN cacert DOT org |
Text / your experience with these teaching materials?
Technical college/University
In the first task, the (at least verbal) reference to CAcert must not be missing. It must also be clear whether the students have to use GPG or S/MIME. Enigmail is for PGP/OpenPGP. S/MIME is integrated.
- Practical task for students after theory about encryption/certificates: "Extend the email program on your personal PC so that you can sign and encrypt emails. You can use Thunderbird with the addon Enigmail or another program for this. Make sure that your name is included in the certificate. Send a signed e-mail to (assistant/lecturer/professor). Exchange the keys. Send (xyz) encrypted to (assistant/lecturer/professor). The proof of achievement is fulfilled when one signed and one encrypted e-mail with your name in the certificate has been received by (assistant/lecturer/professor) by x.x.x".
- In certain cases, the university wants students to "volunteer" to read more into the material. One approach would be: "Read up on the subject on the CAcert wiki. Take the Assurer exam. If you do not pass, analyse the comments on the results page. Once you pass the Assurer exam, do several Assurance/Counterassurance until you have 100 trust points. Credit the counterassurance points and perform one assurance/counterassurance each with (assistant/lecturer/professor) (with x people from the university). The performance record is fulfilled when the counterassurance with (assistant/lecturer/professor) are credited in the system by x.x.x."
If you use the services of CAcert at the technical college or university, please remember: CAcert is a service provided by volunteers. However, the operation of the computer centre incurs costs that must be covered by contributions. Donate as much as a textbook would cost. Preferably as an annually recurring donation. If you need a receipt for the school management or the student council, please write to secretary AT-SIGN cacert DOT org |
G'd day, Sun shines! CAcert, because you deserve better privacy (HelpingCAcert)! (by Alaric D.) |
All you need to know about CAcert Assurance Program FAQ/AssuranceIntroduction |
All you need to know about CAcert Assurance Program FAQ/AssuranceIntroduction |