Committee Meeting 2020-06-25 (2020-06-26 in Australia)

The meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Northern Winter: 08:00 PM GMT = 21:00 CET = 15:00 New York EST = 07:00 Australia AEDT
Northern Summer: 08:00 PM GMT = 22:00 CEST = 16:00 New York EDT = 06:00 Australia AEST

Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee Members: Committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section.

This is a short meeting. You will miss some of your favourite topics that takes a lot of time. You may vote about minutes, agendas, etc. later. The goal of this meeting is to take at least two decisions that the teams can continue to work as hard as the did in the past weeks. If there is remaining time, we may share some information.


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes?
    3. Is there a time limit? Who is time keeper?
    4. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private or cacert-board maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

  2. Business

    Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest!

    1. Future (decisions)
      1. ABC - two motions are brought forward in an effort to adapt to the current situation
        1. asking Arbitration to suspend the need for performing ABC on new applicants for the next 12 months;
        2. asking Arbitration to suspend Philipp Dunkel's "two heads of power" ruling,
      2. Arbitration: report on the progress with applicants
    2. Finance Team (for your information)
      1. PayPal account blocking --> Information: Authorisations have been granted following the instructions of AFCA (Etienne as secretary, Frédéric G as as representative at Paypal and Brent as Australian resident representative member of the financial team are allowed to act on behalf of CAcert) and AFCA has now taken over the case.

      2. European Bank Account --> Information: Account is functional. Further information will follow.

    3. Infrastructure Status
      1. Applicants
      2. Hardware/Servers available and/or needed
    4. AGM Preparation (fix a month)
      1. Request for team reports
      2. When +/- the AGM should happen? (date to find in the next meeting)
    5. everything after this message can be reported to July's meeting
    6. Software Team (for your information)
      1. Progress of the most pressing bugs and issues (PHP, keygen, ...)
    7. Critical Team (decision)
      1. Status of applications for Critical/Infrastructure team
      2. Re-classification of CRL and OSCP (Dirk A.)
        • Critical Team would like to have an adjustment, since the CRL makes up a large part of the bandwidth of CAcert (and thus of BIT): CRL and OCSP should no longer be classified as critical systems, but under the control of the Critical Team. This would allow CRL and OSCP to be moved to another (non-CAcert server) can be outsourced to significantly reduce the bandwidth. Since these are both servers that decide on the validity of certificates (revoke), not "just any" of these servers should administrate. (mail from 12.12.2019 to the secretary)
          • Discussion and motion
  3. Question Time

    Questions from Community Members can be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here

    1. "Question One." added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by your Question and add your name

      • ..
    2. Closing
      1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting: 9. July 2020
      2. Chair closes the Committee Meeting


Logfile from meeting 2020-06-25



Committee meeting - 2020-06-25 - Draft of minutes

  1. ABC - two motions are brought forward in an effort to adapt to the current situation
    1. Asking Arbitration to suspend the need for performing ABC on new applicants for the next 12 months;

Here is the motion: I move that the Board of CAcert request that Arbitration waive the requirement for ABCs for the next 12 months, ending at the end of July, 2021.

Votes: 4 Ayes, no Naye, no Abstain

Motion adopted

  1. Asking Arbitration to suspend Philipp Dunkel's "two heads of power" ruling.

Here is the motion: I move that the Board of CAcert request that Arbitration suspend the Philipp Dunkel ruling on "Two Heads of Power" for the next 12 months, ending at the end of July, 2021.

Votes: 4 Ayes, no Naye, no Abstain

Motion adopted

  1. Finance Team (for your information)
    1. PayPal account blocking

Minutes of the 2020-05-29 Finances team meeting are here:

  1. European Bank Account

Accounts in several international currencies were opened at the Graubündner Kantonalbank. A first wire transfer in CHF was done, in order to check that one of the accounts is actually active. The accounts will then be made publicly available in CAcert's communication.

  1. AGM Preparation (fix a month)

In order to ease the choice of a schedule that is suitable for all time zones, the AGM should take place in November, after the countries of the northern emisphere will have switched off Daylight Saving Time, which they do on the last week-end of October.

  1. Next committee meeting on the 16th of July, 2020

We aggreed on 2020-07-16-20:00 UTC for the next meeting.








prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting