- Case Number: a20140930.1
- Status: closed
- Claimant: Lukas H
- Respondent: CAcert
initial Case Manager: EvaStöwe
Case Manager: MartinGummi
Arbitrator: EvaStöwe
- Date of arbitration start: 2014-12-07
- Date of ruling: 2015-03-30
- Case closed: 2015-03-31
- Complaint: deletion of assurer account Lukas H
- Relief: TBD
Before: Arbitrator Eva Stöwe (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Lukas H (C), Case: a20140930.1
History Log
- 2014-09-30 (issue.c.o): case [s20140930.480]
- 2014-10-03 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A
- 2014-10-03 (iCM): notified C about case
- 2014-12-07 (A): I'll take care of this case, together with CM
- 2014-12-07 (A): init mail send to C
- 2015-01-25 (A): asks again to confirm deletion request and to address the CAP forms, if no answer at 2015-02-08, account-closure will be initiated
- 2015-03-30 (A): ruling and execution request send to C, Support and CM
- 2015-03-31 (CM): close
Private Part
Link to Arbitration case a20140930.1 (Private Part), Access for (CM) + (A) only
EOT Private Part
original Dispute
Hey folks, how can I get my account removed? I know this will affect the people I assured in the past. But I'd like to have my data removed. Thanks,
- The claimant wants to let his account closed. He is an assurer with assurances that are not 7 years old. He did not respond when asked to provide the CAP forms to an assurer, so that they remain in access for CAcert.
- The account has at least one certificate that needs to be revoked.
The account of the claimant should be closed by Support analogue to the process of a20111128.3 as soon as possible. According to the ruling given in a20141231.1 there is no need to collect the CAP forms. Also the assurances given by the claimant should not be revoked.
-- Frankenthal, 2015-03-30
- 2015-03-30 (A): ruling and execution request send to C, Support and CM
- 2015-03-31 (Support) confirmation of execution
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