Arbitration / Training
The Training Course for Case Managers and Arbitrators
Lesson 32 - Arbitration - Deliberations
- The Arbitration Process flow can be split in 5 - 6 steps:
- Pickup - Accept as Arbitration or Dismiss
- Search for Case Manager / Arbitrator, Init mailing
- Investigation process / Discovery
- Intermediate Rulings
- Ruling
- Execution
- Sometimes it becomes a problem, to find an easy ruling, there exists no similar cases, you're working on a precedence case
- In the Ruling, you need
- The logic of the rules and law
- To find the logic of the rules, you need an area, where you write down all your thoughts, that relates to this case
- Questions regarding an Account
- What informations are stored in the database about an user ?
- How these informations relates to several areas from within CAcert ?
- Since January 2010, CAcert Inc. uses the Community's Arbitration system also.
- Which laws are related to such a case?
- Community polices?
- CAcert Association laws?
- Do they conflict to each other?
- Which laws are related to such a case?
- Deliberations is sometimes a process to find questions, you have to answer in a ruling, questions that aren't in the initial dispute filing, but you need, to come to a ruling.
- What is the difference between Discovery and Deliberations ?