= Assurer Training Event (ATE) Melbourne, AU - 16th December 2010 = . '''To [[Events/UpcomingEvents|Upcoming Events]]''' - '''To [[Events/AssurerTrainingEvents|ATE Events]]''' - '''To [[Events/PastEvents|Past Events]]''' ---- == Basic Stats == {{http://readify.net/img/readify_logo_long.jpg}} * Time: 6:00pm to 10:00pm * Date: '''Thursday 16th''' December. * Location: [[http://www.readify.net/|Readify]]'s offices in [[http://www.readify.net/ContactUs.aspx|Docklands]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melbourne|Melbourne]] * [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=198+Harbour+Esplanade++Docklands,+Victoria,+3008&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,61.787109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=198+Harbour+Esplanade,+Docklands+Victoria+3008,+Australia&ll=-37.81409,144.94473&spn=0.018037,0.030169&z=15|map]] * [[https://blog.cacert.org/2010/11/493.html|the Blog]] * [[mailto:events@cacert.org?subject=ATE-attend-Melbourne&body=I%20will%20attend%Melbourne|RSVP: I will attend ATE-Melbourne]] so we know to let you in the door! {{http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Melbourne_Docklands_-_Yarras_Edge_-_marina_panorama.jpg/800px-Melbourne_Docklands_-_Yarras_Edge_-_marina_panorama.jpg}} == Agenda == This is an idea of the agenda, not a promise! ||18:00 || Welcome || Nathan || "hi!" || ||18:01 || CAcert and the Audit || Iang || ''Ex-Auditor'' || ||18:05 || The CAcert Community Agreement || Iang || why it is "different", how it effects you || ||18:10 || Introduction to Assurance Policy || Iang || The purpose, other important changes || ||18:15 || CAP form || Iang || new details || ||18:20 || Identity Documents || Iang || an update || ||18:35 || Names || Iang || an update || ||18:45 || Arbitration || Iang || how this binds us all || ||19:15 || Conclusion || iang || Quick summary of CAcert's progress. || ||19:25 || Discussion || all || open || ||19:30 || Assurances || all || || ||2x:xx || Debriefing || all invited || restaurant or bar or cafe || An alternate view of the Agenda is located at [[Events/AssurerTrainingEvents|Assurer Training Events]]. The main purposes of this event are twofold: 1. to introduce old and new Assurers to the changes over the last few years 1. to review the Assurances for audit purposes. Note that the purpose is not especially to assure new Members, although they are welcome to attend and we need our new Members as "guinea pigs". The talks are oriented '''to the Assurers''', and not to new Members. The Assurers can fill in the gap, see 1,2 above :) == Attending == || '''Who''' || '''Assuree / Assurer / Organiser''' || '''Contact''' || '''Comment''' || || Iang || Organiser || at c.o || Presenter, Co-auditor || || Nathan || Assurer || || Yes || || William W || || Yes || || Peter || || Yes || || Geoff || || Yes || || Olivier || || Yes || || Benjamin || || Yes || * Iang * contact iang at c.o for any event questions, also at c.o.\ * [[mailto:events@cacert.org?subject=ATE-attend-Melbourne&body=I%20will%20attend%Melbourne|RSVP: I will attend ATE-Melbourne]] = Logistics = == People == * Nathan T is doing the on-ground arrangements, he's nathan ''at'' thomas ''spot'' id ''blot'' au and will manage the door process. * Iang as presenter & coordinator. * Numbers: 10 == location == It's [[http://www.readify.net/|Readify]], * which is [[http://www.readify.net/ContactUs.aspx|located]] at Level 4, Life.Lab Building, 198 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands. * [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=198+Harbour+Esplanade++Docklands,+Victoria,+3008&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,61.787109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=198+Harbour+Esplanade,+Docklands+Victoria+3008,+Australia&ll=-37.81409,144.94473&spn=0.018037,0.030169&z=15|map]] == Still to sort out == * fiddle, report, svn === Progress === 1. room selected, date set. 1. room has beamers (video projectors) 1. Blog & wiki done. 1. travel+accom done. 1. scripted mailing to prepare, triggered to critical sysadmin team 1. Printer and CAP forms. 1. CCA, AP, AH, printed out before hand. * Each Assurer should be familiar with these. 1. '''EVENT''' 1. post-event work: * assurances entered, * slides updated * report written. ---- . CategoryEvent . [[Events/UpcomingEvents|UpcomingEvents]] . [[Events/PastEvents|PastEvents]] . Image by [[http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Melbourne_Docklands_-_Yarras_Edge_-_marina_panorama.jpg|David Iliff]].