. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[comma/Arsenal/GiveAways#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-) . ''' To ''' '''[[comma#comma_Arsenal| comma Arsenal]]''' - ''' To comma ''' '''[[comma/Arsenal| Arsenal - Overview]]''' - '''To CAcert.org''' '''[[comma/Arsenal/EventBothMaterial| Assurer Event - Both-Box]]''' - '''To CAcert.org''' '''[[comma/Identity/VisualIdentity| Visual Identity]]''' ---- == CAcert.org Give-Aways == . CAcert.org Give-Aways are a slice of '''[[comma#commaArsenal| comma Arsenal]]''' / comma '''[[comma/Arsenal| Arsenal - Overview]]''' and mixed with well defined other slices, become part of a '''CAcert.org''' '''[[comma#REGULAR_Campaigns| Assurer Events]]''' or any other '''[[comma#comma_Campaigns| comma Campaign]]'''. . '''CAcert.org''' '''[[comma/Identity/VisualIdentity| Visual Identity]]''' applies or is even mandatory for all CAcert.org Give-Aways. - If not respected quite disciplined, it becomes superfluous and is waste of time and energy. . '''CAcert.org''' Give-Aways doesn't necessary need to be for free, they may be sold for cost of sales to anybody. <
> == CAcert.org Stickers == . WIP, currently off list until the proposal is a bit more formalized. . Text / Function / link to <
> == CAcert.org Ballpoint Pens == . Text <
> == CAcert.org Buttons & Pin's == . CAcert.org Button, ~25mm round, white with CAcert logo. . nothing special attached? . CAcert.org Assurer Pin . Given out to (new) assurers, somewhat akin a rite of passage after (co-)audited assurances. <
> == CAcert.org Shirts == . T-shirt with logo, text "Assurer", name, email, QR-code block . Details see page [[t-shirts|T-Shirts]] <
> == CAcert.org Blouson == . Blouse with embroided logo on left breast, Name & functions ("Assurer", "Org Assurer NL") <
> == Shops == . Links to shops see page [[t-shirts|T-Shirts]] <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ CAcert.org Assurer Pin See also the thread starting with [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-08/msg00381.html|Ulrich]] on the CAcert-board list. And [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-08/msg00389.html|JS]] & [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-08/msg00391.html|IanG]]. Currently delayed because of [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-08/msg00387.html|financial access problems]] and general lack of further discussion. }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ T-shirt with logo, text "Assurer", name, email, QR-code block Thomas Bremer, See email in the [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-08/msg00382.html|Assurer pin]] thread. }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- <
> '''Category''' or '''Categories'''<
> . CategoryCustom