= Vision / Mission Project = End of 2011, BenediktHeintel questioned the new elected board to come up with a new Vision statement. He offered his help to develop a new set of CAcert Mission and Key Values to be published on CAcert's homepage. The development will take place on this page. == 1. Vision == First round is the collection of the ideas for CAcert's Vision. A '''vision''' is a long term strategic direction, that aims for a timespan of around 5-7 years. It is the overall strategic statement, CAcert wants to stand for in 2017 - 2019 deducted from this vision, there will be the mission and the key values of CAcert. The vision forms the pillars on which the organisation's Mission is based on. {{{ Vision: Defines the way an organization or enterprise will look in the future. The vision is a long-term view, sometimes describing the organization's picture of an "ideal world". For example, a charity working with the poor might have a vision statement which reads "A World without Poverty." }}} ''Source: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_planning#Conceptualization|Strategic Planning, Wikipedia]]'' The Vision should create feelings like proud, motivation and excitement by the community and the CAcert Inc. members to be part of something bigger. Therefore, it is immanent that all of them are able to identify with the vision to shape the future of CAcert together. In the following table the ideas for visions will be collected. The table is open until '''30th January 2012'''. || '''Vision Statement''' || '''Author''' || '''Date''' || || CAcert is the global leading provider of free digital certificate to enhance the internet security and trust worldwide. || BenediktHeintel || 2011-12-18 || || CAcert is the global leading provider to verify identities for free digital certificate to enhance the internet security and trust worldwide. || DirkAstrath || 2011-12-18 || || CAcert is the best resource/community to turn to for security identity verification. || MichaelTänzer || 2011-12-18 || || ''Your Vision Statement'' || || || == 2. Mission == From the selected Vision the mission statement will be compiled and agreed on. The '''mission''' statement is the fundamental framework for the roadmap by describing what need to be done to accomplish in order to reach the vision's goals. moreover, the mission is the glue of the Inc.'s culture. {{{ Mission: Defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, succinctly describing why it exists and what it does to achieve its vision. The mission statement provides details of the organization's operation and says what is does. For example, the charity might provide "job training for the homeless and unemployed". The statement may also set out a picture of the organization in the future. }}} ''Source: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_planning#Conceptualization|Strategic Planning, Wikipedia]]'' || '''Mission Statement''' || '''Author''' || '''Date''' || || ''Your Mission Statement'' || || || == 3. Key Values == Key Values shape the actions based on the mission. {{{ Values: Beliefs that are shared among the stakeholders of an organization. Values drive an organization's culture and priorities and provide a framework in which decisions are made. For example, "Knowledge and skills are the keys to success" or "give a man bread and feed him for a day, but teach him to farm and feed him for life". These example values may set the priorities of self sufficiency over shelter. }}} ''Source: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_planning#Conceptualization|Strategic Planning, Wikipedia]]'' || '''Key Values''' || '''Author''' || '''Date''' || || credibility || BenediktHeintel || 2012-01-16 || || security || BenediktHeintel || 2012-01-16 || || professionally || BenediktHeintel || 2012-01-16 || || liability || BenediktHeintel || 2012-01-16 || || user-centric / member-centric || BenediktHeintel || 2012-01-16 || || ''Your Key Values'' || || || '''see also:''' * [[Mission|2007th Mission Project]] * [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/Mission|Committee Mission Project]] ---- CategoryBoard CategoryBoard