. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-) . '''To [[Technology#Technology_Laboratory| Technology Laboratory]]''' ---- == Technology Laboratory - Overview Projects == <
> ==== Technology Projects - Improvement EXISTING Software ==== . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/BlogCertLogin| CAcert.org Blog - Certificate Login]]''' - For [[http://wordpress.org/| Wordpress Blog]] . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/WikiCertLoginKnowHowMgmtTool| CAcert.org Wiki - Certificate Login & Technical Support]]''' - For [[http://moinmo.in/| MoinMoin Wiki]] . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/COrbitCA|COrbitCA]]''' - CAcert.org Account Holders CCA Completing Campaign . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/Bug665| Fix Bug 665 - Intermediate level-3 certificate is MD5-signed ]]''' - See Bug Report [[http://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=665| 665]] <
> ==== Technology Projects - Design & Development of NEW Software ==== . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/Software/BirdShack| Software BirdShack Project]]''' - Software for Next Generation Open Source CAcert.org System . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/Software/Possum| Software Possum Project]]''' - Software for Next Generation Open Source CAcert.org Security Module / Signing-Server <
> ==== Technology Projects - Design & Development of NEW Hardware ==== . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/Hardware/Possum| Hardware Possum Project]]''' - Hardware for Next Generation Open Source CAcert.org Security Module / Signing-Server <
> ==== Technology Projects - Evaluation & Testing of NEW / EXISTING Software ==== . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/SNITLS| SNI / TLS]]''' - Server Name Indication / Transport Layer Security . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/HeliosVoting|Helios Voting]]''' - E-(Market)Survey / E-Voting Tool . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/GRDM|GRDM]]''' - E-(Market)Survey / E-Voting Tool . - '''[[Technology/Laboratory/LimeSurvey|Lime Survey]]''' - E-(Market)Survey / E-Voting Tool <
> . open to distribute . '''[[Technology/Laboratory/CTTS|CTTS]]''' - CAcert.org Community Task Tracking System . '''CAcert.org''' '''[[Technology/Laboratory/IntegrationInterface| Integration Interface]]''' - For <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- <
> '''Category''' or '''Categories'''<
> CategoryTechnology <
> CategoryCustom