. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[Technology/Laboratory/CTTS#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-) . '''To Technology''' '''[[Technology#Technology_Laboratory| Laboratory]]''' - '''To Technology ''' '''[[Technology/Laboratory| Laboratory - Overview Projects]]''' - '''To comma Workbench''' '''[[comma/Workbench/CTTS| CTTS]]''' ---- == CTTS - Technology Background == . '''CTTS''' is short for: '''CAcert.org Community Tasks Tracking System''' . '''Technology''' . Description of technical status / Framework? / You name it today . For '''comma''' interested Engineers . '''[[comma/Workbench/CTTS|CTTS ]]''' on '''comma Workbench''' ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- Uli to structure as such. See grey intro text at the head of page . Here are the tasks that when complete will gain a substantial improvement to the community. . Describe on this page. == Issue Tracking System (Was Trouble ticket) == . We are searching for a issue tracking system with that takes input tasks via SMTP and distributes these tasks to our support staff. * Contact for this task: gstark@cacert.org (replacement org assurer?), guillaume@cacert.org, amery@cacert.org * Working on it: mario@cacert.org * Chosen solution: [[http://otrs.org/|OTRS]] * Potential list of solutions: '''http://www.opensourcehelpdesklist.com/''' * Potential solution: http://drupal.org/project/casetracker - denied - still in beta * Is a non-core work in progress - they are working towards a stable 5.x release (currently beta2) and 6.x (which has been out over a year) has no releases at all. * Potential solution: http://drupal.org/project/jobtracker * Potential solution: http://www.nynox.com/ - very much an unknown * Nynox appears to be virtually unknown (~500 google hits only) * Potential solution: [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/|JIRA]] * We have access to JIRA licenses which would be an ideal (if otherwise commercial) solution. (samj) * Potential solution: [[http://trac.edgewall.org/|trac]] * "Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects" and as such is not suitable. * Potential solution: [[http://otrs.org/|OTRS]] * Comments: * Issues and bugs are different things altogether and they are rarely linked. Treating issues as bugs or vice versa tends to break processes. * could potentially even handle all assurances for auditing if we wanted. * It's not always clear when an incident becomes a bug and vice versa; having a system that could replace Mantis would be advantageous - one less system for users to grok and admins to support. * I don't think we should mix software development with other kind of cacert issues more business related. For software project management we need (imo) something specialized in open source software development like trac or redmine. -Alejandro Mery * I'd like to hear more as to why - the two are often intertwined. We have licenses for the entire [[http://www.atlassian.com|Atlassian]] suite including [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/fisheye/|FishEye]] (repository insight) and [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/crucible/|Crucible]] (code review) which both integrate with [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/|JIRA]] and could work well given the security sensitive nature of our code (not sure of any FOSS equivalents). OTOH RT isn't great at bug tracking so it may depend more on what tool we choose. * I never proposed RT as *bug* tracker, I did it as *issue* (support, orga-assurance, board decisions, ...) tracker. I don't know (and I don't care in knowing) JIRA simply because I don't (and wont) use any non-free software. -Alejandro Mery * ACK on using a separate system for this and so for dropping the Development/Import stuff from the Requirements Matrix (or at least to consider it optional) <
> === Customer Representatives === * Support - guillaume, Alejandro Mery * Organisation Assurance - Greg Stark, samj * Board decisions? - still waiting on board decision (like the irony?) - [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-03/msg00165.html|Teus - we'll try it]], Daniel's guess at [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-04/msg00045.html|board workflow]], [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-05/msg00117.html|little more discussion]] * All assurances??? (samj - want to explain more?) * others? <
> === Requirements Matrix === || Requirement ID || Description || proposer || [[http://drupal.org/project/jobtracker|Drupal Job Tracker]] ||[[http://www.nynox.com/|Nynox Help Desk]] || [[http://bestpractical.com/rt/|RT]] || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/|JIRA]] || TRAC || [[http://www.otrs.org/|OTRS]] || || Web || Web Interface || samj/[[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2009-05/msg00123.html|GR]] || yes || yes || yes || yes || yes || yes || || Email || Inbound email for support@cacert.org goes into issue system || samj || ? || ? || [[http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/EmailInterface|yes]] || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/issue_creation_email.html|yes]] || yes || yes || || Development || Support for tracking issues against source (TODO who is going to use this feature?) || samj || ? || ? || ? || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/svn_integration.html|yes]] || yes || no || || Import|| Import from mantis || samj || ? || ? || [[http://download.bestpractical.com/pub/rt/contrib/2.0/import-mantis|maybe (2002 contrib)]] || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/mantis_import.html|yes]] || yes || ? || || Notifications || Changes to issues flow to support staff || samj || ? || ? || yes || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/email.html|yes]] || basic || yes || || Assignment || For example, OA issues to be sorted by jurisdiction - support staff will map to jurisdiction(s) || samj || ? || ? || Yes - queue based || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/latest/component_management.html#Selecting+a+Default+Assignee|yes]] || yes || yes || || Escalation || Increase Priority After time interval || samj || ? || yes || [[http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ConfigureEscalation|yes]] || [[http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Jelly+Escalation|yes]] || no || yes || || Security || Restrict issues to roles and/or reporters (e.g. assurances, security) || samj/dan || ? || ? || [[http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/Rights|yes]] || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/security.html|yes]] || basic || yes || || Workflow || Manage business processes (e.g. OA approval) || samj || ? || ? || [[http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/WorkFlow|yes]] || [[http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13/workflow.html|yes]] || no || ? || || FreeSW || Open Source software || Alejandro Mery || yes || ? || yes || no || yes || yes || || X509 || X509 authentication option for user (web) || dan || ? || ? || [[http://lists.bestpractical.com/pipermail/rt-users/2005-January/027873.html|yes]] || ? || basic || basic || || X509 || X509 en-/decryption, signing (S/MIME receive/send) || mario || ? || ? || ? || no(checked 3.8.2) || ? || yes || || OpenID || OpenID authentication option for user || dan || ? || ? || ? || ? || yes || no || || MultiEmail || Multiple emails are consider equivalent || dan || ? || ? || [[http://search.cpan.org/~jesse/RT-Extension-MergeUsers/|addon - little manual]] || ? || ? || yes || <
> == Wiki == . The existing wiki is deficient for many reasons (performance, features, extensibility, wikitext, etc.) and yet this is a service that could significantly improve functions like policy development. || Requirement || Description || Proposer || || Performant || Performant for common tasks || samj || || Discussion || Supports "behind the scenes" collaboration || samj || || Templates || Powerful templates for workflows etc. || samj || || Security || Role based security to restrict access, prevent vandalism, etc. || samj || || Conflicts || Conflict resolution should not require locking || samj || || FastEdit || Supports fast editing || samj || || ACL || Supports page and section level access control || samj || || X509 || Supports X509 registration and login (see below) || dan || || X509Access || Pages edit control controlled by X509 auth - Named Certificate (50 points) can edit XXX policy page || iang(on behalf of policy || || OpenID || Supports OpenID registration login || samj || || Trans || Translatable (see below) || philipp || || Port || Ability to port from current MoinMoin system || dan || || Notification || Sends out email when changes happen to a watched page || iang || || Version Control || Policies delegate areas into the wiki, but still requires pages to be under good version control || iang || || SectionEdit || section editing || Alejandro Mery || || diffedit || diff when editing || Alejandro Mery || Feature Comparison: http://www.wikimatrix.org - looking at the [[http://www.wikimatrix.org/wizard.php|wiki Choice wizard]] selecting 1. page history - yes 1. WYSISWG - ???? IS THIS A REQUIREMENT 1. commercial support - no 1. Interface Language - no ( though I know nationisation is important - multiple selections not allowed in their interface) 1. I would like to install my own wiki software. 1. database - don't know 1. Free and Open Source - ???? * mandatory for our kind of organisation imo - Alejandro Mery 1. Language - please no M$ ones or obscure ones e.g. smalltalk. java/php/perl/python are all ok by me. then select some distinguishing features. <
> ===== Proposals ===== * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org|dokuwiki]] - floss, light, php, file based, clean design, hundred of plugins including translations and talk pages (using different namespaces) and other more fancy like simple task managers - Alejandro Mery * [[http://ikiwiki.info/|ikiwiki]] - floss, light, perl, real vcs backend, clean design, fully modular, supports gettext for i18n (i.e. supports translingo!) - Alejandro Mery <
> ==== Translatable Wiki ==== . Please read http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/HowTo/HowTo_Translingo.pdf and try it out on http://translingo.cacert.org. We are searching for a Wiki engine that is able to either use Translingo to translate the contents on the wiki, or to do a similar translation system internally. Please search for Wikis with translation functionality, test them, and provide a report about it. * Comments: * Google Translation APIs are now available which could do this at runtime and/or cache pages (samj) * URL to google translation APIs please. * Here it is: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/ <
> ==== X509 ==== . Should this be considered the only way to access, with no other access control? (was thinking only as an option dan). This would enforce the members-only requirement (which is soft)(is this what we want ? dan) and it would also further promote the use of CAcert client-certs as does CATS. <
> ---- . CategorySoftware . CategorySupport