. '''To [[SystemAdministration/Systems|Systems Overview]]''' ---- = Systems - WEBDB = = Basics = See also [[https://infradocs.cacert.org/critical/webdb.html]]. Currently very basic, but system documentation should move to that page... == Purpose == The webdb server provides the web front-end to the world for CAcert's certificate services. It also runs the database with all subscriber data. It communicates with the [[SystemAdministration/Systems/Signer|signer server]] for submission of certificate signing requests and retrieval of signed certificates, certificate revocation lists and signed PGP keys. This is one of CAcert's critical servers, and is operated under the requirements of the CAcert [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/SecurityPolicy.html|Security Policy]] and [[SecurityManual|Security Manual]]. == Physical Location == The webdb server is located on physical machine '''webdb''' (alsp known as '''sun2''') in the CAcert rack at BIT 2, Ede. == Physical Configuration == The '''webdb''' machine is a Sun X4100 server containing 4 AMD Opteron processors running at 2.4 GHz, 4 GB of RAM and 2 hot-swappable SAS disks of 146 GB. See also [[SystemAdministration/EquipmentList]] == Connections == This system has four ethernet connections, of which currently three are used: one to the CAcert internal administrative network (172.28.50), one to the CAcert critical services network (172.16.3), one to the public internet. A special fifth ethernet connection is used to connect the ILO-based management interface of the server to the CAcert internal administrative network (172.28.50). The keyboard, mouse and video monitor connections are normally not connected, but can optionally be connected when visiting the data center. The system is also connected by a USB cable to the [[SystemAdministration/Systems/Signer|signer server]]. The USB cable is a USB-Link cable based on the Prolific Technology Inc. PL2501 chipset, which can be found in ''USB 2.0 NET Link Cable'' from ''Ed''''''Net''. A custom-developed software module named ''Comm''''''Module'' is used to transfer controlled data over this link between the webdb server and the [[SystemAdministration/Systems/Signer|signer server]]. == Applicable Documentation == 1. Comm''''''Module - Documentation and Operator Manual (''to be put online somewhere'') 1. [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/SecurityPolicy.html|Security Policy]] 1. [[SecurityManual|Security Manual]] 1. [[SystemAdministration/Procedures/DiskEncryption|Disk Encryption]] 1. [[SystemAdministration/Procedures/DiskMirroring|Disk Mirroring]] 1. [[SystemAdministration/Procedures/DriveRetirement|Drive Retirement]] == Administration == Critical System Administrator Team: * Dirk Astrath = Services = == Listening services == ||Protocol||Port||Remarks|| ||HTTP||TCP/80||web server for main CAcert application|| ||HTTPS||TCP/443||web server for main CAcert application in secure mode|| ||RSYNC||TCP/873||rsync server for CRLs; only accessible by CAcert OCSP and CRL servers|| ||SSH||TCP/22||only from two hosts on internal admin network; remote system maintenance|| === DNS === External names are: www.cacert.org secure.cacert.org tverify.cacert.org Internal names are: webdb.intra.cacert.org sun2.intra.cacert.org sun2ilo.intra.cacert.org == Connected Systems == * [[SystemAdministration/Systems/Signer|signer server]] === Outbound network connections === ||Protocol||Port||Remarks|| ||DNS||UDP/53 + TCP/53||DNS lookups by main CAcert application and utilities|| ||SMTP||TCP/25||outgoing mail sent by main CAcert application|| ||WHOIS||TCP/43||domain name lookup by main CAcert application|| ||HTTP||TCP/80||web lookups, mainly for system updates|| ||NTP||UDP/123||time synchronization with internet time servers|| ||SYSLOG||UDP/514||only to logger.intra.cacert.org; for centralized system logs|| ||boxbackup||TCP/2201||only to backup.intern.cacert.org; for on-line backups|| ||SSH||TCP/22||only via hopper.intra.cacert.org to translations.cacert.org, for translation updates of main CAcert application|| = Security = Privileged Access: Critical System Administrators Other Access: CAcert support engineers == Software installation == The base OS for the signing server is a minimum install of Debian 7.9 (Wheezy) During the installation, LUKS volume encryption must be activated, as described in [[SystemAdministration/Procedures/DiskEncryption|Disk Encryption]]. After performing the base install, the set of installed packages needs to be adjusted to conform to the guideline defined by the ''pkg-conform'' script, which can be found at [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb/pkg-conform|pkg-conform]]. The only custom software to be installed is the main CAcert web application. The source for this can be downloaded from [[http://www.cacert.org/src-lic.php]]. For setting up the chroot environment additional tools and configuration files are available from [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb]] as explained below in more detail. == Software Configuration == All configuration files should be kept under RCS control wherever possible, i.e. when you want to modify a pristine configuration file, do this: {{{ # mkdir RCS # vi configfile # ci -u configfile }}} Next time you want to change the configuration file, do this: {{{ # co -l configfile # vi configfile # ci -u configfile }}} === Boxbackup === To configure boxbackup-client (assuming a UID of 0x50104 check with server admin): {{{ # bbackup-config /etc/boxbackup lazy 50104 SERVERNAME /var/lib/bbackupd /home /etc/ var }}} Send the resulting 50104-csr.pem to SERVERNAME administrator for signing and install two returned files. Then run {{{ # bbackupd }}} === chroot environment for main CAcert web application === The main CAcert web application is written in PHP and served by an Apache web server running in a restricted chroot environment for security reasons. This environment must be setup under the directory '''/home/cacert''', and contains a minimal subset of the standard Debian tools required for running the service, plus of course the application-specific parts. To setup the environment, use the ''mkchrootenv'' script which is found at [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb/mkchrootenv|mkchrootenv]]. Read the first lines of the script to check whether the variables defined there ('''ROOT''', '''SPEC''', '''SSL_CACERT''') need to be adjusted. In particular the '''SPEC''' variable requires some attention: this points to a directory which should contain a couple of files and software packages not easily found elsewhere. An initial cut of its content can be found at [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb/spec|spec]]. The file '''spec/distro/www.tar.bz2''' should be replaced by an up-to-date copy of the bzip2-compressed tar ball of the main CAcert application source code obtained from [[http://www.cacert.org/src-lic.php]]. Running the ''mkchrootenv'' script will perform most of the necessary steps automatically, and even generate a set of fake certificates for a test server at the end (this requires some user interaction). When installing a production server, these fake certificates should obviously be replaced by the real ones. ==== Additional manual configuration ==== 1. '''/etc/default/commmodule''': needs to be setup with definitions for '''COMMROOT''' and '''COMMROLE''' e.g.: {{{ COMMROOT=/home/cacert/www/CommModule COMMROLE=client }}} 1. '''/etc/init.d/commmodule''': needs to be copied from '''/home/cacert/www/CommModule/commmodule'''. After that, the init script should be enabled with: {{{ /usr/sbin/update-rc.d commmodule defaults 90 20 }}} '''NOTE:''' the full effect of step 1 and 2 can simply be achieved by: {{{ cd /home/cacert/www/CommModule; ./commmodule setup }}} 1. '''/etc/logrotate.d/apache2''': needs to be adjusted with pathnames reflecting chroot for apache to '''/home/cacert'''. Use ''dateext'' to keep stable names for old logfiles. The following context diff shows the details: {{{ @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ -/var/log/apache/*.log { +/home/cacert/var/log/apache2/*.log { weekly missingok rotate 52 compress + dateext delaycompress notifempty create 640 root adm }}} 1. '''/etc/postfix/main.cf''': needs a couple of adjustments: {{{ append_dot_mydomain = yes relayhost = # inet_interfaces = loopback-only (i.e. comment out or remove!) sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_rewrite }}} while '''etc/postfix/sender_rewrite''' should contain: {{{ www-data returns@cacert.org root returns@cacert.org }}} 1. '''/etc/init.d/apache2''': needs to be adjusted for running the Apache webserver in a chroot environment. Reference [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb/apache2|svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/webdb/apache2]] for an example. 1. '''/etc/init.d/networking''': needs to be extended with a hook to invoke a custom firewall script, like this: {{{ @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ process_options check_ifstate + sh /root/firewall.sh # enable CAcert custom firewall + if [ "$CONFIGURE_INTERFACES" = no ] then log_action_msg "Not configuring network interfaces, see /etc/default/networking" }}} NOTE: it will probably be better to merge this into '''/etc/network/interfaces''' rather than modifying a standard system script. 1. '''/etc/network/interfaces''': needs to be configured with two additional IPv4 addresses for the equivalents of secure.cacert.org and tverify.cacert.org (in addition to www.cacert.org). For example: {{{ # The external network interface allow-hotplug eth3 iface eth3 inet static address netmask gateway network broadcast up ip addr add dev eth3 label eth3:1 down ip addr del dev eth3 label eth3:1 up ip addr add dev eth3 label eth3:2 down ip addr del dev eth3 label eth3:2 iface eth3 inet6 static address 2001:7b8:3:9c::245 netmask 64 gateway 2001:7b8:3:9c::2 up ip -f inet6 addr add 2001:7b8:3:9c::246/64 dev eth3 down ip -f inet6 addr del 2001:7b8:3:9c::246/64 dev eth3 up ip -f inet6 addr add 2001:7b8:3:9c::247/64 dev eth3 down ip -f inet6 addr del 2001:7b8:3:9c::247/64 dev eth3 }}} 1. '''/etc/ssh/sshd_config''': should have ''PermitRootLogin'', ''PasswordAuthentication'' and ''UsePAM'' turned off, and have ListenAddress set explicitly to listen only on the internal admin network. 1. '''/root/firewall.sh''': is a custom firewall script for the webdb server. 1. '''/home/cacert/etc/apache2/sites-available/cacert''': will be generated automatically by the mkchrootenv script, but please check its contents before using it! Beside the obvious differences (different hostnames, IP adresses and certificates) the test servers have only one IP address available, so different secure hosts (cacert1 and secure1) have to be handled with [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication|SNI]]. The {{{ SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on }}} directives are implementing this.<
> 1. '''/home/cacert/www/includes/mysql.php''': needs to be created as a copy of '''/home/cacert/www/includes/mysql.php.sample''' and edited to set the username and password for accessing the CAcert MySQL database, and set normalhostname, securehostname and tverify for a test system. For example: {{{ @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ - $_SESSION['mconn'] = mysql_connect("", "username", "password"); + $_SESSION['mconn'] = mysql_connect("", "cacert", "klodder"); if ($_SESSION['mconn'] != FALSE) { - mysql_select_db("database"); + mysql_select_db("cacert"); $_SESSION['mconn'] = TRUE; } - $_SESSION['_config']['normalhostname'] = "www.cacert.org"; - $_SESSION['_config']['securehostname'] = "secure.cacert.org"; - $_SESSION['_config']['tverify'] = "tverify.cacert.org"; + $_SESSION['_config']['normalhostname'] = "cacert1.it-sls.de"; + $_SESSION['_config']['securehostname'] = "secure1.it-sls.de"; + $_SESSION['_config']['tverify'] = "tverify1.it-sls.de"; function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from, $replyto = "", $toname = "", $fromname = "", $errorsto = "returns@cacert.org", $extra="") { }}} === Disk mirroring === Disk mirroring must be setup as described in [[SystemAdministration/Procedures/DiskMirroring|Disk Mirroring]], to ensure that a usable replacement disk is available in case the primary disk fails. Failover is not automatic, and requires system administrator intervention. === Cron jobs === The following CAcert-specific cron jobs are used on the server, and setup in '''/etc/cron.d/cacert''': {{{ # *** Clean up php5 sessions running under chroot /home/cacert *** # # This purges session files older than X, where X is defined in seconds # as the largest value of session.gc_maxlifetime from all your php.ini # files, or 24 minutes if not defined. See /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime # Look for and purge old sessions every 30 minutes 09,39 * * * * root [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /home/cacert/var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /home/cacert/var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) # *** Clean up CommModule logfiles *** # 1 1 * * * root /home/cacert/www/CommModule/logclean.sh # *** CAcert database maintenance operations *** # 15 * * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./removedead.php >/dev/null 45 * * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./warning.php >/dev/null 45 */8 * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./updatesort.php >/dev/null 45 2 * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./refresh_stats.php >/dev/null 25 1 1 1,4,7,10 * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./permissionreview.php # *** Update website frontpage with latest blog entries *** # */5 * * * * root wget -q -O /home/cacert/www/pages/index/feed.rss http://blog.cacert.org/feed/rss/ # *** Convert & combine crls from DER to PEM format *** # 2 * * * * root /root/updatecrls.sh }}} = Common Tasks = == Logfile Inspection == == Full Backup == == Log File Extraction == == Password Changes == = Planned Changes = The base OS needs to be upgraded to Debian Jessy (status "stable") before May 2016. == Changelog == All modifications to this system must be logged to the cacert-systemlog mailing list, which is primarily archived [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-systemlog|here]]. = Notes = ==== Configuring normalhostname and securehostname in /home/cacert/www/includes/mysql.php ==== (Contributed by Markus Warg) My "knowledge" about the two hostnames: normalhostname is used for all regular operation on the http part of the page. normalhostname is even used for regular operation of all https parts of the page, if the user NOT logged in by certificate. As you can see, the securehostname is linked under certificate login, so if the user wants to log in by crt, he is redirected to securehostname. The code now seperates actions, if HTTP_HOST == securehostname and id=4, try to authenticate the user by crt, otherwise redirect to login page UNLESS he already logged in. Both hosts point to the same document root, its just another virtual host to prevent the ssl renegotiation problem, I think. If you log in by crt, you will need to stay on securehost, because there is no session login, if you crt log in and manually switch from secure to www, you will be forced to log in. If you log in and switch to securehost, you will be asked for an crt. = Further Documentations = * [[Software/Webdb|WebDB Handbook]] (documentation started) ---- CategorySystems