= How to prepare a fresh VM image for download = {{{#!wiki note This is for VirtualBox so if you use another VM thingie your mileage may vary }}} 1. Open the .ovf and confirm importing 1. Click "Settings" and adjust them as following: * General->Basic: change "Version" to Debian * General->Description: maybe put a short manual how to get started here * System->Motherboard: enable "Hardware clock in UTC time" * Storage: * Select the CD drive on the IDE controller and "insert" a Linux live CD image (click the small CD icon right to the "CD/DVD Drive" drop-down box) * Select the SCSI controller and enable "Use host I/O cache" (this is important otherwise the machine will have a corrupt file system after each complete shutdown) 1. Start the VM which should boot the live CD (eg Knoppix or any other) 1. Mount the disk: {{{sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/}}} 1. Download the customisation package: {{{ cd /mnt/root/ sudo wget --content-disposition 'https://wiki.cacert.org/SystemAdministration/Systems/Development?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=cacert-dev-image_0.2_all.deb' }}}{{{#!wiki note You can also use a web browser to [[attachment:../cacert-dev-image_0.2_all.deb|download the file]] and then copy it to the right place on the command line }}} 1. Chroot with network connection: {{{ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf sudo mount -o bind /sys/ /mnt/sys/ sudo mount -o bind /proc/ /mnt/proc/ sudo chroot /mnt/ }}} 1. Change root password to a known value: {{{passwd}}} 1. Install the customisation package: {{{ dpkg -i root/cacert-dev-image_0.2_all.deb # ^ This will fail to configure due to missing dependencies but already unpack the package ^ aptitude install cacert-dev-image # ^ This dowloads the dependencies and finishes the configuration ^ }}} {{{#!wiki important You will be asked whether you want to replace the `firewall.sh` and `interfaces` with the package maintainer's version. At least replacing `interfaces` is strongly recommended because it makes the network setup a whole lot easier. There may be some problems with `mtop` but that's not related to cacert-dev-image }}} 1. Shutdown live CD and export the VM (File->Export Applianceā€¦) one time using the all in one `.ova` and the other time in `.ovf` format both times with the manifest option checked (allows to easily identify corrupted downloads) ---- . [2013-08-24] (u60) works for '''[[SystemAdministration/Systems/Development#T8|T8]]''' too. ---- . CategorySystems . CategorySoftwareAssessment