= Introduction = Certificates for the cacert.org domain are issued by the Organisation Admins below as CAcert Inc. itself is organisationally assured. = Details = The details of the organisation account: || Organisation name: || CAcert Inc. || || contact email: || support@cacert.org || || city: || Sydney || || state: || NSW || || country: || AU || || comments: || || == Domains == * cacert.org * cacert.com * cacert.net == Organisation Admins == * [[MichaelTänzer|Michael Tänzer]] * [[JanDittberner|Jan Dittberner]] Please contact them for renewal or revocation of any of the certificates listed [[SystemAdministration/CertificateList]]. = Procedure = == Client Certificates == If required for an email address that you control (e.g email address) you can issue this yourself (assuming you are assured or an assurer). If your stuck ask a certificate manager. == Server Certificates == These require a CSR to be sent to a certificate manager (see above). 1. Create a PKCS#10 format (PEM encoded) CSR (certificate signing request). ''Quick CSR generation howto'': a. with a recent openssl version: {{{ $ openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.key.pem -out server.csr.pem \ -subj '/C=AU/ST=NSW/O=CAcert Inc./CN=domainname.cacert.org' \ -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:domainname.cacert.org,DNS:alternative.cacert.org" }}} a. with an ancient openssl version that does not support the {{{-addext}}} option: {{{ $ openssl req -new -nodes -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private_key -out server.csr \ -subj '/C=AU/ST=NSW/O=CAcert Inc./CN=domainname.cacert.org' }}} a. email addresses can't be included in CAcert server certificates a. if you want to add Subject alternative names with older openssl versions you need to use a custom openssl configuration file a. you may use other tools like the JDK keytool, certtool from GnuTLS or certutil from Mozilla's libnss3 1. Authorization - you must be listed as an administrator for the system you are issuing a certificate for (https://selfservice.cacert.org/staff) 1. Authentication - please issue the request from your @cacert.org email address and have it S/MIME (or less preferably OpenPGP) signed when you send the CSR to the 1. Document the certificate in Infradocs (https://git.cacert.org/cacert-infradocs.git/), the certificate list is rendered as https://infradocs.cacert.org/certlist.html Certificate Manager. ---- CategoryProcedures