## page was renamed from Software/Meeting/20181026, [[Software/Meeting/20181109|next meeting]] - [[Software/Meeting/Overview|Overview]] = Summary of developer meeting at 2018-10-26 = <> == Discussions and Outcomes == In advance of the meeting we spoke about the conflicts while merging or rebasing the branch bug-1260 into testserver-stable and release. We decided to reopen the recently opened [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1442|bug-1442]] and declare it a child of [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1260|bug-1260]] During the meeting we agreed that the migration to a new PHP version should have priority. ---- Peter Moulding gave a list of what has to be fixed for using PHP 7.2: 1. Change from mysql to mysqli 1. Replace each() with foreach() 1. Replace MariaDB || || || Are the git-repositories up to date || || || Implementation of CAA || not even started || || Get arbitration to help support || egal and Ted will phone about|| || when will theCAcert root certificate signed using the SHA256 algorithm be published? || egal and Ted will telephone about it || === Answered Questions === || What do we have to do to pass the audits, required for browser inclusion? || As the current PHP-code is audit-fail, we have to wait until the source is documented and possibly redesigned || == Logfile of the meeting == [[Software/Meeting/20181026log|Logfile of the meeting]] == Next Meeting == The next meeting was proposed to be held on Fri 2018-11-09-T20:00 UTC = Done Work = * the connectivity of test.cacert.org and testmgr.cacert.org were fixed ---- . CategorySoftwareMeeting