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= Testers and Developers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) =
== Meaning of addtl. Userflags in Webdb database ==

 * The Webdb database structure includes several special flags that can be set on each users record individualy. So this can be set on the Testserver too.

 * The Database structure documentation can be found under [[Software/Database/StructureDefined|Software/Database/StructureDefined]] in table '''Users'''

 * '''Users''' table contains one record for each registered user.
  * id, email (primary), password, fname, mname, lname, suffix, dob and others

=== Special Flag Settings ===

|| '''Testserver Mgmt System - Set Flags''' || '''Database Field''' || '''Data type''' || '''Description''' ||
||Code Signing ||codesign||int(1)||1 if allowed to request code signing certs||
||Support Engineer ||admin||tinyint(1)||1 if user is admin||
||TTP Admin ||ttpadmin||tinyint(1)||1 if user is TTP admin, it allows to set the Assurance Method to "Trusted 3rd Parties" and leave some of those checkboxes on the Assurance page unchecked. It does not allow to issue more than the usual maximum points||
||Organisation Admin ||orgadmin||tinyint(1)||1 if user is Org admin||
||Board Member ||board||tinyint(1)||1 if user has additional privileged of CAcert's board. In addition with ttpadmin allows to set all Assurance methods ("Face to Face Meeting", "Trusted 3rd Parties", "Thawte Points Transfer", "Administrative Increase", "CT Magazine - Germany"). Allows issuance of temporary increases if a sponsor (another user with board-flag set) is named. ||
||Location Admin ||locadmin||tinyint(1)||1 if user can administer the location database||
||Lock Account ||locked||tinyint(1)||1 if account is locked (?)||
||Block Assurer ||assurer_blocked||tinyint(1)||1 if user may not become assurer||

 . CategorySoftware
 . CategorySoftwareAssessment