. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To [[Software/Assessment/20110118-S-A-MiniTOP|previous meeting]]''' - '''To [[Software/Assessment/20110201-S-A-MiniTOP|next meeting]]''' ---- = Minutes of the MiniTOP on the 2011-01-25 = == Setting == The MiniTOP will be held via telco 22:00 CET (TIME CHANGED!!!) Attendees: Dirk, Martin, Michael, Uli == Action items from last meeting == * Testing * Michael, Dirk: sql query about arb case recover deleted account * table user: set deleted date to '0' * table email: primary email set deleted date to '0' == Topics == * Translingo: [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=892|Confirmation URL wrong (bug #892)]] * Serversystem (Repository/Testsystem) move from Offenbach to Frankfurt/M (Update) * State Testserver Update * Current Patch on Testserver: "Thawte" patch [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=827|Bug# 827]] * Signer deployment (Andreas/Markus) (Update) * Automated testing system (Andreas, Magu, MSchiffer) (Update) * next meeting: Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 20:00 (1st Tuesday) == Minutes == * Testing and State Testserver * current patch - tested by 2 testers * Martin: to create test cases * Michael: whats with automated testing system ? * Dirk: starting with simple patches to start with test team * Martin: build test case script / instruction set for testers -> Uli * Michael: using screencasts ? * Michael: sql query, no progress * built within session * Translingo: [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=892|Confirmation URL wrong (bug #892)]] * svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Software/Translingo/trunk/www/signup.php and others * svn access for Software-Assessors * Servermove with success, Server state * Contact list * We seek for another server hosting provider * Vienna hosting ? [[https://wiki.cacert.org/SystemAdministration/InfrastructureHost|Vienna Hosting infos]] * inberlin ? * Server system upgrade proposed ... upgrade to lenny ? squeeze ? next debian upgrade in about 2 weeks ... * Signer deployment: no progress * find new project team member(s) * Automated testing system: no progress * next meeting: Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 20:00 (1st Tuesday) ---- Action items: * Uli: write a sample test instruction, to assist testers, step by step instruction .. and vary * Uli: recheck vienna hosting * Tester: Patch testen ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment