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Minutes of the MiniTOP on the 2010-04-13
The MiniTOP was held via IRC. 20:00 CEST
- Dirk Astrath
- Michael Tänzer
- Andreas Bäß
- Ulrich Schroeter
- 20:02:39 meeting started
- MW: info by email dated 2010-04-13
- 4 days disease, not so much news
- Michael should have r/w access to the testserver mgtm system within git
- we have a problem with the public git, service cannot connected from the outside
- Andreas is informed and will check next time he is behind the keyboard (Tue/Wed)
- I'll try today to write a Draft of a development and release cycle
- and to get the Manager Code on cacert1 upto running
- ftp access for the VMWare image should be added (anon ftp for download), maybe today
Uli: link today modifyed by MW:
=> Have a look at, all you need should be there.
- AB: MW tested today from extern and it was ok. Should be tested from somebody other. At the moment network is busy cause of an vm image of 1 GB transfer to a ftp server
- transfer of the image will be running the next 6-7 hours. I will move the image into another directory tommorow morning
- Dirk: state git testing: virt. maschine for git I didn't start last week ... is in the queue on Thursday
- may state of local git sources is from 2 weeks ago
- Uli: state test server mgmt system .. MW deployed a zend system .. does someone checked this ?
- Michael: yes, looks like to be ok, tested localy, cloned by git
- didn't live testing but I have some clue how this may function
- I didn't know how to access from cacert-mgr to data of test-systems
- will be good, if Markus can implement a use case as an example
- Uli: did testserver access work ?
- Dirk: in principle, yes. For the first patches, I have to walk thru the process probably together with Markus
- or I start just my local VM and check the notes I've made from the session with Markus
- Uli: action task 1: dirk - checks his patches localy on his local vm image
- Dirk: No, first I need the VM image
- AB: is this the image Markus offers on
- this isn't the system, Wytze has created
- Dirk: ok, awaiting the image from AB or MW
- Uli: btw. last Sunday, there was a transfer of an image scheduled that did not happen
- AB: yes, this is the image i'm currently transferring. Its an image of cacert1, but we still need to add knowhow how to modify the image so it becomes usable
- There are some modifications, that needs to be made before a conversion or after an export
- I'll think, there is a need for some more modifications, that are implemented in the next release of the image
- i.e. the routing between player-host and the VM. and there may be possible a problem in the Apache vhosts, because w/o routing no client access ...
Who wants a link to the vm-player image ? => Michael, Dirk, Uli
- vm image will be available tommorow
- please write down all changes you'll made on the image, so we can modify the master for the next export
- Michael: ok, I'll think, I've just found a way that the testserver mgmt system can talk to the testsystem
- AB: Where is the link to the Management system ?
- Michael: good question
- AB: you're working on it, so I'll think you have a link ?
- Michael: I can give you the git url but you want probably onto the website?
this is the git url ssh://
- I'll think, you can better check which apache vhost is set for the mgmt console, or did someone noted the link to the console at last meeting Markus talked about?
- AB: did Markus export that only as source? I've thought, he did install that, so it can be tested live
- Michael: I'll think, he tested something, but this was only an empty page
- AB: there is an IP prepared, but there is currently nothing running. should be this management system on cacert1, a recycling of the old tverify1 adress
- Michael: OK, then its the next task to make this thing visible thru web to test changes
- then I will check the code in detail
- AB: @dirk: the image is a tar compressed directory.
- Uli: @Michael: about the management console, can you please write some infos into the wiki and sending around the link infos ?
Next meeting: Tuesday Apr 20th, 2010, 20:00 CEST
Action plan: