Software-Assessment 2010-03-10 MiniTOP (telco)

Participients: Markus, Michael, Dirk, Uli

Minutes from Telco 2010-03-10 20:00 CET, participants Uli, Michael,
Dirk, Markus.

1 - short presentation of the current status quo of the developer svn and
    test systems
2 - outline how the development cycle should/could work
3 - name problems with subversion and ask michael if git would fit better
4 - solution


Current test system is on The system was set up by
Wytze some weeks ago and has a deprecated copy of the webdb (also some
weeks old). This is because of the subversion problems (see below).


We intend to pull the source code from out git / subversion repository.
All developers can grab the source and produce patches, patches are then
submitted to the repo and copied to the / an test system.

Once tested a patch for live webdb is produced and posted to the
respective staff.

Every new source tarball from live webdb is imported back to git /
subversion and can be merged into current developments.


This is where Markus got problems with subversion, which seems to be
incapable of merging larger folder structures.
Michael pointed out that git with its distributed layout would much
better fit our needs. He also pointed out that Markus should import the
tarball in a different way to allow subversion to better keep track of


We decided to set up an git repository, import all stuff into this repo
and try how an development cycle could look like.
The repository will be set up by Markus ( during
this week. Michael, Dirk and Markus will then try to outline an workflow.

So, das ist bei mir hängengeblieben, die git Details (da war ja auch
eine Menge) habe ich bewusst weggelassen, ich denke das erarbeiten wir
gemeinsam im Detail und am lebenden Objekt und dokumentieren das direkt
im Wiki.

bis dann,


Software/Assessment/20100310-S-A-MiniTOP-telco (last edited 2010-04-14 02:09:13 by UlrichSchroeter)