## page was renamed from SGM20070525 == Special General Meeting 25th of May 2007 == The recent (Special) General Meeting of the CAcert Inc. association for members (only) was held 25th of May 2007, 21:00 UTC. * Call for SGM (pdf file has MD5 checksum 6c3a07a265c7576708cfe2dfd1b96be6) on 04/25/2007 can be found [[attachment:SGMcall-2007.04.20.pdf|here]]. * [[SGM/SGM20070525/Purpose|Purpose]] of the meeting. * There are nominations put forward for this meeting for a new Public Officer and for the board. Have a look at the [[SGM/SGM20070525/BoardNominations|Nominations]] for members of the committee (board). * The [[SGM/SGM20070525/Resolutions|Resolutions]]. * The [[SGM/SGM20070525/Agenda|Agenda]] . * Meeting [[SGM/SGM20070525/Procedures|Procedures]]. Here you will find details how we arrange the meeting. * [[http://www.cacert.org/meetings/20070525.txt|chatlog]] (will be used as input for minutes). * The SGM 25th of May 2007 SGM [[attachment:Minutes-25May2007-SGM-final.pdf|minutes]] (pdf file). The meeting was held on the IRC channel IRCS://irc.cacert.org:7000/CAcert-SGM . That channel is now empty.