New Root Generation Process
The program/script collection will generate root certificates in a "generated"-folder. The script will guide the team through distributing the files onto the thumb drives.
Escrow: - Holder for "escrow{1,2}" thumb drives - Holder for "escrow{1,2}" password - Observer for "escrow{1,2}"
Critical: - Operator, Holder for "operative"
CRL-publication (no member of the critical team): - Holder for CRL-password {1,2}-{1,2}
This persons must not have any other roles: - Auditor
No person is allowed to have 2 Roles in one of the Blocks "Escrow", "Critical", "CRL-publication". Having more than one role should be avoided at all costs.
Input Artifacts
- A verified live system CD-R (debian) - A CD-R with the nre-repository (USB or Flashdisk not possible? we check the Checksum) - A dedicated machine (with at least 3 usb ports) - 8 blank, fresh USB thumb drive (named "escrow{1,2}" and "operative", "offlinePassword", "crlPassword{1,2}-{1,2}" ) - The checksums of the source code (on paper) - pen and paper (for noting fingerprints) - 2+8 sealable envelopes
- Physically remove any hard drive and other storage from the computer - Reconnect only:
- - A CD-ROM drive to read the live systeTODO - A CD-ROM drive to read the nre-repository
- Boot a Debian live CD system based on the same version as the new signer OS. (debian 8 ?) - Ensure the system has a reasonable real-time clock configuration - for all (the 8) thumb drives
- - connect the blank, fresh USB thumb drive - format the USB thumb drive
- verify the checksums of the nre-repository source code.
- Reboot the live CD system
- Create a timed log of the steps ( "script -ttimelog"):
- - copy the source code into a ramdisk - execute "" - execute more sub-scripts (?) - copy "generated/offlinePassword.txt" onto "offlinePassword", (remove "offlinePassword.txt" (?) ) - copy "generated/crlPassword{1-2}-{1-2}" onto "crlPassword{1,2}-{1,2}", ( remove them (?) ) - copy "generated/offline.tar.gz.aes-256-cbc" onto "escrow1" and "escrow2" - copy "generated/gigi-2015.tar.gz", "generated/signer-client-2015.tar.gz", "generated/signer-server-2015.tar.gz", "generated/crls2015...." onto "operative" - store dmesg on "operative", "escrow1" and "escrow2" as "dmesg.log" - end of log
- store the log on "operative", "escrow1" and "escrow2" as "typescript" with timing information in "timelog"
- unmount, eject and disconnect "operative", "escrow1" and "escrow2" - <?> copies the contents of "generated/offlinePassword" to two pieces of paper and puts them each into sealed envelope (password not on paper?)
- All 8 thumbdrives are put into individual sealed envelopes.
Post Execution Steps
- all witnesses send signed mails to indicating the successful execution of the process and containing the fingerprints. - "escrow1" goes to Person(Holder for "escrow1" thumb drive) , "escrow2" goes to Person(Holder for "escrow2" thumb drive) - the passwords for "escrow{1,2}" go to Person(Holder for "escrow1" password) and Person(Holder for "escrow2"-Password) - "operative" goes to Person(Operator, Holder for "operative") and will be installed in the new system. - "crlPassword{1,2}-{1,2}" go to Person(Holder for "CRL-password{1,2}-{1,2}")
- - those persons publish those passwords, one every month and stop publishing when asked to do so by a correctly signed mail from board or other persons entitled to do so by SP.
- Person(Auditor) verifies process execution
- timed transcript, dmesg and new root certificates go public (fingerprints already are via board mailing list)
Output Artifacts
- thumb drive "escrow" - thumb drive "operative" - password lists for unlocking the CRLs (thumb drives "crlPassword{1-2}-{1,2}") - password for unlocking "escrow" - transcript (on "escrow" and on "operative") - fingerprints of the new certificates
Security Considerations
- encrypt the CRLs independently or chained?
- - independent: lower risk of failing, lower complexity - chained: potentially more security
- offline Password on stick or on paper or only in mind.
- -... TODO
- holders of the CRL passwords are to be listed on the key persons list
Source & Links
Roots/EscrowAndRecovery/NewRootCertificatesForCAcert Roots/Contents Roots/Structure Roots/EscrowAndRecovery
Process Flow Charts
Root Creation Process
Create Config Files Process
Setup Computer Session Process
Create Root Certificates Process
Destroy Computer Session Process