= Trust = Real-World Models of Trust: [[http://web.archive.org/web/20030609151735/mcg.org.br/trustdef.htm]] [[http://web.archive.org/web/20010119110400/mcg.org.br/augustine.txt]] [[http://web.archive.org/web/20000920070151/mcg.org.br/reftrust.txt]] ---- {{{ The difference between a trusted system and a secure system is that a trusted system can break the security policy. }}} {{{ A trusted system or component is one whose failure can break the security policy, while a trustworthy system or component is one that won´t fail. }}} {{{ A trusted systems element is one whose integrity cannot be assured by external observation of its behaviour while in operation }}} = PKI and Privacy = http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/mtarchive/anonymity_as_the_default_and_w.html = What is wrong on PKI = [[http://web.archive.org/web/20010415174118/mcg.org.br/whycert.htm]] [[http://www.coolheads.com/egov/opensource/topicmap/s26/abstract.html]] [[http://civics.com/PKI/]] [[http://iang.org/ssl/pki_considered_harmful.html|PKI Considered Harmful]] [[http://whatistrust.com/]] = Risk Management = http://thurston.halfcat.org/blog/2007/05/15/reasons-not-to-manage-risk/ = PKI Humour = Certificates are Like Marriage: {{{By the power vested in me I now declare this text and this bit string "name" and "key". What RSA has joined, let no man put asunder. -- Bob Blakley }}} (taken from http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/csep590/06wi/lectures/slides/LaMacchia_022106.pdf)