## 20160507 AK ---- [[GovernmentalCertificates/CZ|česky]] | '''english''' ---- = Governmental Certificates = CAcert has asked itself the following questions regarding governments and governmental organisations interested to issue certificates through, for or with CAcert: *Do we want them to do it at all? Yes. We don´t want to discriminate governmental organisations. We might not actively promote CAcert for governments at the moment, but we also won´t be against such projects. *Do we want to offer them Organisation-Assurance, and let them issue certificates that way? Yes, if they are officially registered organisations, that´s currently the easiest way to get and use CAcert certificates. *Do we want to let them do normal assurance through 2 assurers per office? (or give them permanent super-assurer status, or some other status, where they can give 50 or 100 points directly) Yes, that´s also a good idea. Our Assurers handbook should help there. *Do we want them to run their own CA for passports, and additionally issue CAcert points to the people? Yes, combining the issueing of IDs and CAcert assurance would also be good way, that does not need policy changes on either side. *Does CAcert want to get into the certificates-for-passports game with our root certificate? *How far can CAcert support them? *What service level will be necessary? *What risks are associated, who will take them? We think that it will be best for governmental organisations interested in that to contact us directly, and talk it through with us. *Will CAcert provide logfiles to secret services? CAcert will only provide the logfiles related to the certificates of a specific organisation to that organisation. == Standards and Links == *[[http://www.icao.int/mrtd/download/documents/TR-PKI%20mrtds%20ICC%20read-only%20Access%20v1_1.pdf]] ---- . [[CategoryFAQ]]