## page was renamed from Events/20091216ATE-Goeteborg = Assurer Training Dec 16th, 2009 Göteborg (S) = [[comma/RegularCampaigns/AssurerEvents/AssurerTrainingEvents|Overview Training Events]] == Basic Informations == * Time: 20:00 - 22:00, 2 hours timeslot * Date: Wednesday, Dec 16th * Attendees: 10-15 * Location: . http://www.gothiatowers.com/ . Mässans gata 24 . 402 26 Göteborg, Sweden Current plan is to use conference room L307 at Lennart Torstenssons-gatan 8 after meeting at the hotel. This is a few hundred meters from the hotel. For short term information contact +49 151 52634367. For Wednesday, Dec 16th an ATE-Göteborg is planned, where Assurers and those who are interested to become an Assurer can get information. == Agenda == * 20:00 Presentations and discussion about several issues, see list at [[Events/AssurerTrainingEvents|ATE Overview]]. * 21:00 Assurance Event: audited assurances ||19:30 || Arrival || ||20:00 || Welcome || ||20:01 || CAcert and the Audit || ||20:10 || Essential Documents || ||20:15 || "Purpose of Assurance"? || ||20:20 || The CAcert Community Agreement || ||20:25 || "old" and "new" CAP forms || ||20:30 || Name Transliterations || ||20:37 || Foreign Passports || ||20:45 || Arbitration || ||20:50 || Organisation Assurances (Intro) || ||20:55 || Helping CAcert || ||21:00 || Assurances || ||21:55 || Close || ||22:00 || Review || == Target audience == Much has happened during the past year. A list of up till now mostly "orally transmitted" rules have been cast in policies. New procedures (e.g. the Assurer Challenge) and obligations (e.g. in the CAcert Community Agreement, new CAP forms, Dispute Resolution and so on) have been decided. The Assurer Training Events try to bring all this informations to "the people" . - To what, does the CCA protect every CAcert-Community-Member and as such also you? . - Can you recount the 5 statements of the "Purpose of Assurance"? . - Can you at least recount 10 security marks of the Swedish Passport? Answers to these and following questions are given at the Assurer Training Events (ATE's). == Planning == * Location: . http://www.gothiatowers.com/ . Mässans gata 24 . 402 26 Göteborg, Sweden * [[http://blog.cacert.org/2009/12/449.html|Blog]] (posted, Dec 11th 2009) * Mailing (sent Dec 11th, invitation sent to 22 recipients) == Attendees == || '''Who''' || '''Assuree / Assurer / Organise''' || '''Contact''' || '''Comment''' || || Ted || Speaker || . || . || Please register before, so we can plan the catering and arrangement. [[mailto:events@cacert.org?subject=ATE-attend-Goteborg&body=I%20will%20attend%20Goteborg|I will attend to ATE-Goteborg]] = Logistics = The meeting room is equipped with: * Beamer - () * Projection screen - () CAcert needs to provide: * CAP forms. () * CCA () * 1x CCA for wall, AP, AH, Policy on Names (event-bag) () * Flyers engl. () * Videocamera () * Notebook with Presentations () * Pointing device () * UV-desk-tester, Mobile-UV-Tester (handheld UV tester, desk/handhelds) * Refreshments ? == Location == * Location: . http://www.gothiatowers.com/ . Mässans gata 24 . 402 26 Göteborg, Sweden Notes: * Location is for xx people == Transportation == ==== By Car: ==== ===== Coming from ... ===== ==== By Public Transportation: ==== == Location Management == * Catering: Refreshments will be provided by ? * Event Koordinator: ? ---- . CategoryEvent . [[comma/RegularCampaigns/AssurerEvents/UpcomingEvents|UpcomingEvents]] . [[comma/RegularCampaigns/AssurerEvents/PastEvents|PastEvents]]