= HOWTO rename myself? = == problem description == My webbrowser autofilled the middle name filed with my full name. Due to password policy, security question, usability and unstable wireless link related stress I did not realize it and am now in need of a procedure to * change / remove the middle name * get reassured under the "new identity" Howto do it? There should be some kind of work flow about name changes (think married, changed artists name, new nickname, relocated and "translated" names etc.), preferably as a web form. Right? == half a workflow == 1. add a new mail address to your account 2. verify it by clicking on the link you receive by email 3. make the new mail address the default one 4. remove the old mail address 5. logout 6. create a second account, using the old mail address you just freed 7. logout 8. login with the old account (new mail address and the old password) 9. ask everyone that has already assured you to reassure you under the new account (the one with the old mail address) 10. in theory you could now delete the old account (the one with the new mail address). In practice I do not know how to do that. ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryAssurance