- Case Number: a20150824.1
- Status: init
- Claimant: Thor S
- Respondent: CAcert
initial Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter, at 2016-12-08 EvaStöwe disclosed dispute based on DRO decision m20161119.4 and m20161119.3
- Case Manager: name case manager
- Arbitrator: name arbitrator
- Date of arbitration start: 201Y-MM-DD
- Date of ruling: 201Y-MM-DD
- Case closed: 201Y-MM-DD
- Complaint: Domain Dispute
- Relief: TBD
Before: Arbitrator name arbitrator (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Thor S (C), Case: a20150824.1
History Log
2015-08-24 (issue.c.o): case s20150824.93
- 2015-09-07 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A, sent notification (C)
Private Part
Link to Arbitration case a20150824.1 (Private Part)
EOT Private Part
Original Dispute
> Hi, > > When trying to add my domain "[domain]" I get the message that the > domain [domain] is valid and belongs to another account. Which account > may that be (since I've been registered for this domain for almost 15 > years now). > > Best regards, > Thor
Parts in [] anonymised at disclosure of dispute. May be adjusted by CM or Arbitrator.
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