- Case Number: a20110330.1
- Status: Closed
- Claimants: Markus K, Marcus M (in role as SE)
- Respondents: CAcert
Case Manager: SebastianKueppers
Arbitrator: UlrichSchroeter
- Date of arbitration start: 2011-04-04
- Date of ruling: 2011-04-06
- Case closed: 2011-04-07
- Complaint: Name Change after Marriage w/ Assurance
- Relief: TBD
Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Markus K (C), Marcus M (C2), Case: a20110330.1
History Log
- 2011-03-30 (issue.c.o) case [s20110330.86]
- 2011-03-31 (A): added to wiki, request for CM / A
- 2011-03-31 (CM): I'll take care about this case as (CM)
- 2011-03-31 (A): I'll take care about this case as (A)
- 2011-03-31 (A): sending initmailing with CCA/DRP acceptance request to (C)
- 2011-04-04 (C): accepts CCA/DRP
- 2011-04-04 (A): requesting from (Support) current name info of (C)'s account
- 2011-04-04 (A): contacting (AS1) {0} / (AS2) {+} / (AS3) {0} / (AS4) {+} / (AS5) {+} / (AS6) {+} / (AS7) {+} / (AS8) {0} to provide name info before/after marriage of (C)
- 2011-04-04 (AS6): confirms name change
- 2011-04-04 (AS5): confirms name change
- 2011-04-04 (AS4): confirms name change
- 2011-04-05 (Support): [s20110404.53] sent name info
- 2011-04-05 (AS2): confirms name change
- 2011-04-05 (AS7): confirms name change
- 2011-04-05 (A): questions to (SE) regarding precedent case topics
- 2011-04-05 (A): adding (C2) in role as (SE) for precedent case issue
- 2011-04-06 (SE): acknowledged the suggested procedure by (A) for (SE)'s
Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)
Link to Arbitration case a20110330.1 (Private Part)
EOT Private Part
- Assurers who assured (C)
Assurers name
Confirms name change request
Martin G
Martin S
Sebastian V
Jens S
Reinhard M
Matthias B
Wolfgang W
Holger S
- Idea from Support-Engineer, to use the Pwd Reset w/ Assurance procedure alike also for Name Change Requests after Marriage w/ Assurance
- The ruling consists of two parts. Part I. The requested name change after marriage and Part II. the suggested procedure to handle Name Change requests after Marriage w/ Assurance by Support on its own
Part I
- The user requested a name change after marriage and sent in a list of Assurers who could confirm the name change after marrige.
- 5 Assurers followed the request for sending in a confirmation about the users name change by checking two different ID documents. One with the name before marriage, the 2nd document with the name after marriage. The evidence has succeeded.
- So therefor I order (Support) to change the Lastname in (C)'s account as requested.
Part II
- Name Change requests after Marriage are daily routine Support issues. But the SP prevents Support from changing the users name w/o evidence gathering.
With the Precedents Case of the a20100407.1 - Password Reset Procedure w/ Assurance procedure in mind, I've received a request to also check for a procedure that can handle "Name Change Requests after Marriage w/ Assurance" by a Support-Engineer
- So I hereby came to the following ruling, that should become Precedent
- For starting the process, (Support) is allowed to invite the users who sends a "name change request after marriage" to (Support) or filing a dispute with this subject to the "Name Change after Marriage w/ Assurance" procedure. So this process can be handled thru Support procedure w/o further Arbitration involvement.
- If this procedure applies to the requesting user, Support should execute the procedure outlined below and by adding the precedents case# to the ticket
- The "Password Recovery w/ Assurance" procedure requires to exchange an A-word between the Assuree and the Assurer. For name change verification this exchange of an A-word is not needed, as there is no account takeover.
- The infos the Assurers later have to send to support is the Full Name before and after Marriage. Addtl. the Assuree's email address.
- At least 2 Assurers have to be contacted, to verify the users identity.
- Also the Assuree should send a list of Assurers with names and emails, so Support can contact the Assurers and can request the required infos.
- If one of the requirements doesn't fits, eg. only 1 Assurer available or no Assurers available, the case has to be refered to Arbitration.
- After receiving of at least two confirmations by Assurers about the users name change request after marriage, Support is allowed to change the users last name as requested and confirmed by the Assurers in the users online account.
- If the pre check revealed that the new case doesn't apply to the precedent, Support should add a note to the ticket moved into Disputes, that the precedent case has been checked and doesn't apply.
Frankfurt/Main, 2011-04-06
- 2011-04-06 (A): ruling sent to (C), (C2), (CM)
- 2011-04-06 (A): exec order to (Support), to execute Part I and to add Part II onto Support documentation
- 2011-04-06 (Support): [s20110406.44] Exec report, changed lastname in (C)'s account
- 2011-04-07 (A): exec report to (C), (C2), (CM). Case closed.
Similiar Cases
see also: Arbitrations Training Lesson 23 - Support case: Name Change due to Marriage
Post Arbitration Notes
- 2011-04-08 (AS8): confirms name change