Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Fabian K (C), Case: a20110228.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional)

EOT Private Part

Intermediate Ruling

For intermediate action I follow on point 1. and point 2. the proposal of Support-Engineer:

  1. The users, if not already happened, should be notified by the Triage member (C) about the privacy breach
  2. The lists admins should take the necessary steps to remove all private data sent to the list concerning this case (eg. remove the mails from the public archives)

Regarding continueing the original Pwd-recovery request I order Support to use a variant to the A-Word with addtl. questions to the participiants. In the case this step fails, to use the last grade: the assurer sending in the A-Word was the only assurer involved, the user will have to meet him again to consent on a new A-word.

Frankfurt/Main, 2011-03-01



Frankfurt/Main, 2011-03-23


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Arbitrations/a20110228.1 (last edited 2011-06-27 19:57:27 by MarcusMängel)