some days ago (2009-10-12) Michael T. forwarded a request from me on the 
supporting mailing list to you. So far I got no response. I just repeat this 
so it will not get forgotten:

When supplementing an old form which got on the wrong pile I made some
typo: The assurance with the ID 113643 (and related 113644) should be dated on 
2006-05-05 not 2009.

Please correct that.


Emil O.

History Log



The assurance in question has been removed by support. During the arbitration the issue has been discussed, whether the assurance may still be entered into the system, since the CAP form does not contain the CCA acceptance. During this arbitration this was not handled since this might have a much larger impact and so it is up to C whether to reenter the assurance with correct data. However, other assurances as mentioned by C in the discussions could be removed upon request within this ruling.


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Arbitrations/a20091107.1 (last edited 2009-12-20 18:05:44 by Mario Lipinski)