* Case Number: a20090823.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Dirk Astrath * Respondents: Felix Falk * Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter * Arbitrator: AlexanderPrinsier * former Arbitrator: Sebastian Küppers * Date of arbitration start: 2009-08-23 * Date of ruling: 2009-12-26 * Case closed: 2010-01-07 * Complaint: Assurance with an additional Suffix {{{ Hello 'Disputes', I want to file a dispute against assurances made for Felix Falk (email: felix@b9d.de ). I am one of the Assurers, who assured him with an additional Suffix (FTF) in February ... In his official Documents there is no Suffix ... so this should be removed from his name. However: I accept the CCA and the Arbitration Have a nice day ... }}} * Relief: correct name in account Before: Arbitrator TBA (A). Respondent: Felix Falk (R) Claimant: Dirk Astrath (C) Case: a20090823.1 == History Log == . 2009-08-23 C: Confirmed binding of CCA and DRP . 2009-08-23 CM: Asked (R) for confirmation of CCA and DRP . 2009-08-23 A: yet, I'll care about that . 2009-09-05 CM: resend init mail req for accepting CCA + DRP to (R) . 2009-10-12 CM: resend init mail req for accepting CCA + DRP to (R) . 2009-10-12 R: accepts CCA and DRP . 2009-10-27 CM: request for progress report . 2009-10-28 A: Offline, progress report till Nov 1st . 2009-11-04 CM: reminder for progress report from A . 2009-11-11 CM: requesting progress report from A . 2009-12-25 (UlrichSchroeter): arbitrator released this case as of [[Arbitrations/a20091118.4|a20091118.4]] . 2009-12-25 (AlexanderPrinsier): I'll take this case as A . 2009-12-25 (CM): forwarded all existing documentations (emails) to (A) . 2009-12-25 (A): asking support for list of people who assured (R) . 2009-12-26 (A): received reply from support and sent out request to 2 assurers about the exact name of (R) . 2009-12-26 (A): sent mail to (R) asking to confirm the removal of the suffix . 2009-12-26 (A): received positive confirmation from one assurer and (R) . 2009-12-26 (A): requesting support to remove the suffix . 2009-12-26 (A): requesting (R) to revoke certificates that include the suffix and issued after 2009-11-08. . 2009-12-26 (A): support replies that the suffix has been removed . 2009-12-26 (A): sent mail to (R) informing that the suffix has been removed. . 2009-12-27 (A): (R) confirms he has no certificates that include the suffix. . 2009-12-27 (A): sent mail to (C) asking if he has any further comments about the case . 2010-01-07 (A): no further comments received from (C), case closed. == Discovery == * there was no malfeasance of any type alleged or found * the rules regarding names have been in flux since (R) became a member * one senior experienced Assurer has verified the requested name in the account and his statement has been accepted under the CARS program (section 'Reliable Statement') as reliable statement * from the general rule 'you can reduce information but never increase information' the removal of 'FTF' in the account name doesn't conflict with other assurances made * All certificates that were issued after 2009-11-08 (date when CPS became draft) that include the suffix must be revoked. == Ruling == * The suffix must be removed from the account. * All certificates that were issued after 2009-11-08 that include the suffix must be revoked. == Execution == See the log == Similar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.4|a20090618.4]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.4|User wants a name change]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090621.2|a20090621.2]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090621.2|User not registered under full names ]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.8|a20090618.8]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.8|User has non-validated middle name in account ]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseAccountDataNameMismatch