* Case Number: a20090717.2 * Status: Closed * Claimants: Ulrich Schroeter * Respondents: Sabine B * Case Manager: BernhardFröhlich * Arbitrator: [[MartinGummi|Martin Gummi]] * Date of arbitration start: 2010-06-14 * Date of ruling: 2010-11-14 * Case closed: 2011-03-02 * Complaint: The complete mail is filed at [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-disputes/2009-07/msg00037.html|The Dispute Mailing List Archive]] (lower part of the message) {{{ Hi, i hereby file a dispute against the account with the email address f...@bilkinfo.de I have met Sabine B, born E at Linuxtag Berlin in the face-2-face meeting at the booth at June 26th. I'd verified the name on the CAP against the name in her ID document (German Personalausweis, Bahncard). The name on the IDcard: Sabine B geb. E The name in the account: Sabine E (B) Sabine tells us at the booth, that there is a known problem in correct the ID documents, cause of missing general documents (thats a private problem). As it seems, there is no quick govermental solution, there is a need, to correct the account to the naming shown on the ID documents: from Sabine E (B) to Sabine B geb. E As the Assuree has yet 100 assurance points and 24 experience points (124 in total) something seems to be wrong. I, Ulrich Schroeter makes a reliable statement related to the CARS program as stated in https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Assurance/Minutes/20090517MiniTOP.html under "Reliable Statement" that i've met Sabine B geb. E at June 26th, 2009 at the booth of Linuxtag Berlin 2009 in a face-to-face meeting. I made an assurance and wrote down all names found on the German IDcard (Personalausweis) Givenname(s): Sabine Surname : B geb. E The assurance was conducted under the Assurance Policy including the CAcert Community Agreement, signed by Sabine B geb. E. }}} * Relief: TBD Before: Arbitrator [[MartinGummi|Martin Gummi]] (A). Respondent: Sabine B (R) Claimant: UlrichSchroeter (C) Case: a20090717.2 == History Log == . 2010-06-14 (A): care about case a20090717.2 . 2010-06-15 (CM): Sent initiating mail . 2010-06-16 (C): accepts CCA/DRP under this arbitration . 2010-06-17 (R): accepts CCA/DRP under this arbitration . 2010-06-20 (CM): Assurer Nikolas P. confirms R's name as Sabine B. . 2010-06-20 (CM): Assurer Daniel R. confirms R's name as Sabine B. . 2010-06-20 (CM): Assurer Fabian S. confirms R's name as Sabine B. (but used the abbreveated family name in his confirmation...) . 2010-07-16 (C): progress report request to (CM), (A) . 2010-07-28 (C): progress report request to (CM), (A) . 2010-07-29 (C): rcvd response from (CM) {{{ Around June 20 (A) has forwarded me several mails from Assurers who confirm Sabine's new name. I don't know what is still missing, but I guess (A) has to make a statement himself. }}} . 2010-08-24 (C): progress report request to (CM), (A) again with some recommendations regarding Arbitrators assistance . 2010-08-30 A requests Assurance details of R's account from Support . 2010-08-30 Support replied with Assurance details . 2010-09-15 Request for assistence to AS1, AS2, AS3 . 2010-11-14 Request for assistence to AS4 at [[events/OpenRheinRuhr2010|OpenRheinRuhr2010]] == Discovery == * At Linuxtag (R) was assured by four different Assurers. Three of them witness the same name, one is not responding/assured sth. different. * Assurer * AS1 OK * AS2 OK * AS3 OK * At OpenRheinRuhr2010 was assured by one Assurer * AS4 OK * The problem has been identified by experienced Assurers and filed into Disputes * Certificates issued after 2009-11-08 (date when CPS became draft) that include the name have to be revoked. * The certs problem on Name changes * The [[http://www.cacert.org/policy/CertificationPracticeStatement.php|CPS]] comes to draft at Status: DRAFT p20091108 * If the user has created client certificates, with the not yet corrected name in the account, the certs are probably built up with the wrong name from online account. * [[http://www.cacert.org/policy/CertificationPracticeStatement.php|CPS]] 3.1.1. Types of names - Client Certificates. The Subscriber Naming consists of: * CN= The common name takes its value from one of: * For individual Members, a Name of the Subscriber, as Assured under AP. == Ruling == Based on the presented information. I hereby rule: * Client Certificates, that are issued by (C) after 2009-11-08 and that includes the disputed name should be revoked * name has to be changed as requested by the dispute Oberhausen, Nov, 14th 2010 == Execution == . 2010-11-14 (A) sent ruling to (C) (R) (CM) (Support) . 2010-11-14 (A) exec. req. to (Support) . 2010-11-14 (Support) [s20101114.35] exec. report . 2011-03-02 (A): exec report to all participiants. Case closed. == Similar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.10|a20090618.10]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.10|User registered under unvalidated name / changed to: remove my account ]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseAccountDataNameMismatch