* Case Number: a20090706.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Ulrich S., Andreas B., Christopher H. * Respondents: Reinhard E. L., rl... at p... dot de * Case Manager: Lambert Hofstra * former Case Manager: BernhardFröhlich * Arbitrator: BernhardFröhlich * former Arbitrator: Lambert Hofstra * former Arbitrator: SebastianKueppers * Date of arbitration start: 2009-09-09 * Date of ruling: 2010-11-07 * Case closed: 2010-11-14 * Complaint: first givenname different from ID document to account {{{ Hi, i hereby file a dispute against the account with the email address rl... at p... dot de I have met Reinhard L. at Linuxtag Berlin in the face-2-face meeting at the booth. I'd verified the name on the CAP against the name in his ID document (German Personalausweis). The name on the IDcard: Reinhard E. L. The name in the account: Reiner L. The 2nd givenname is not a problem, but the transformed "Reiner" instead of Reinhard .... so therefor i cannot finish the assurance by transfering my given assurance points. As the Assuree has yet 100 assurance points something seems to be wrong. mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards Ulrich Schroeter - CAcert Event Organisation Officer CAcert.org - Free Certificates E-Mail: Events@CAcert.org & Ulrich@CAcert.org }}} 20090710 CM: Andreas B., ab@... dot de, seconds the Claimant, so I'll add him as additional Claimant. {{{ I second the arbritration case http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/Arbitrations/a20090706.1 I have met Reinhard E. L. at the Assurer Training Event on 2009-07-09 at the Restaurant Prometheus in Berlin. He presented me his ID card to identify himself and told me that there is already an arbitration going on to change the name in his CAcert account rluett at phantasos dot de from "Reiner L." to "Reinhard E. L.". "Reiner" is a common abbreviation/calling-name for the given namen "Reinhard". I would like to get notified when the name is changed, so I can complete my assurance. Regards Andreas }}} 20090713 CM: Christopher H., christopher dot h... at n... dot de, seconds the Claimants, so I'll add him as additional Claimant. {{{ Hallo Bernhard, ich habe letzte Woche auf dem CAcert ATE in Berlin ebenfalls Reinhard E. L. geprüft und er machte mich auch dabei auf den Fall aufmerksam (a20090706.1). Benötigst du von mir Dokumente? Andreas B. hatte sich ja schon angeschlossen. Die Angaben: * Reinhard E. L. * geb. * rl... at p... dot de kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen. Ich habe die Eintragung der Punkte zurückgestellt. Gruß, Christopher }}} * Relief: correct givenname Before: Arbitrator BernhardFröhlich (A). Respondent: Reinhard E. L. (R) Claimants: Ulrich S. (C1), Andreas B. (C2), Christopher H. (C3) Case: a20090706.1 == History Log == . 2009-09-11 CM: Sent initiating mail after Arbitrator has been appointed. . 2009-09-11 C1: Accepts CCA and DRP . 2009-11-04 C1: requested progress report . 2009-11-07 CM: No progress not reported here is known to me. I'll send a reminder to all parties. . 2009-12-25 (UlrichSchroeter): arbitrator released this case as of [[Arbitrations/a20091118.4|a20091118.4]] . 2009-12-26 (A): I can take this case as Arbitrator, Lambert . 2010-02-28 (C1): request for progress report from (CM), (A) . 2010-02-28 CM: No news known to me. Received no answers to the reminder sent at 2009-11-07. . 2010-06-13 CM: Sent another status request to A . 2010-06-17 Case Manager and Arbitrator swap roles. Lambert is now Case Manager, Bernhard is Arbitrator. . 2010-06-17 A: Sent initiating mail . 2010-06-18 C1 responses to initial mail . 2010-06-21 C2 responses to initial mail . 2010-07-08 A: Sent reminder to R and C3 . 2010-07-08 A: Sent request to support asking who has assured R . 2010-07-09 A: R replied to reminder. I'm asking him if he confirms the claim and would agree to change the name in the account. . 2010-07-09 Support supplies information the R has been assured by Henrik H., Walter G. and Christian H. . 2010-07-09 A: Sent request for assistence to those Assurers if they can provide additional facts. . 2010-07-10 Henrik H. replies that he can not supply additional information. . 2010-07-11 R replies, confirms the claim and agrees to change the first given name in the CAcert account to the name like it is written in the ID documents. . 2010-07-24 A: Sent reminder to Walter G. and Christian H. . 2010-08-20 A: Sent another reminder to Walter G. and Christian H. . 2010-08-20 A: Walter G. replies that he needs some time till he's back at the office. . 2010-09-05 A: Sent one more reminder... == Discovery == * R confirms the claim and agrees to change the name accordingly. * Three Assurers have assured R's account with a name not matching according to PracticeOnNames. The Assurances have been made before PracticeOnNames had been established. == Ruling == Based on the facts established above I give the following ruling: The first name in the Respondent's account shall be changed to Reinhard. Since the names are quite similar and there are no obvious ways to abuse the name difference it is not necessary to revoke certificates or remove Assurance Points. The Assurers which have already assured the account shall be notified that the names do not match according to current practice. Since the Assurances have been made before PracticeOnNames had been established, and the mistake also is minor, there's no need for further penalties against the Assurers. I keep the option of filing disputes against Assurers which did not answer to the request for assistance to this case. == Execution == . 2010-11-07 A: Sent mail to support requesting the name change. . 2010-11-07 Support replies that name change is done. . 2010-11-14 A: Sent mail to Claimants that the name in the account is changed. . 2010-11-14 A: Sent a mail to the Assurers who have assured R's account about PracticeOnNames . 2010-11-14 A: The case is closed now. == Similar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20071023.1|a20071023.1]] || Nickname used in account || || [[Arbitrations/a20071205.1|a20071205.1]] || Spelling difference in name || || [[Arbitrations/a20080604.1|a20080604.1]] || Shortened first name in account || || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.6|a20090618.6]] || Quite complicated noble name does not match account || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseAccountDataNameMismatch