* Case Number: a20090618.4 * Status: Closed * Claimants: Michael John Hulsman * Respondents: CAcert Incorporated * Complaint: {{{ Hi, I attended the amsterdam ATE and someone noticed that I registered with my nickname. I am allready an assurer and I allready have assured 32 other people. If I am reading correctly I need to follow the following procedure. To change my name to the proper one that is in my identety papers: - I need to notify everyone that has assured me. - Contact support and ask for a name change. - Present everybody who has assured me the new form and assure me again. I have the following questions. - Do I only have to do that for the people who gave me the first 100 points, or for all the other people that gave me "0" point because I allready got the 100 points. - What is happening with all the people that I have assured ? Regards, Mike Hulsman. }}} User requests to change name to Michael John Hulsman * Relief: Removal of Nickname from Account * Case Manager: Nick Bebout * Arbitrator: Philipp Dunkel * Date of arbitration beginning: 2009/06/18 Before: Arbitrator Philipp Dunkel (A). Respondent: CAcert Incorporated (R) Claimant: Mike Hulsman (C) Case: a20090618.4 <
> A: Case initialised the case by sending mail to Claimant<
> C: Accepts the DRP and CCA<
> A: Request for Information from support (at) cacert<
> A: The following email exchange happened on 20090707 with the claimant: {{{ Dear Mike, sorry for the delay. I have asked support for more information on your account that only they can reliably provide. I am therefore waiting on this right now. I thank you for your patience. I am currently trying to work out a simpler mechanism to get this straightened out. However this requires both thought and a few bits of information from support. Be assured that I will make an effort to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Regards, Philipp Dunkel (Arbitrator) On Jul 6, 2009, at 9:44 , Mike Hulsman wrote: Dear Philipp, Nick, After I replied that I accepted the arbitration under CCA and DRP on the 19th of June 2009,I heard nothing back. Is there any information you are missing so that the case is stuck now. What steps must be taken to complete ? Regards, Mike Hulsman. }}} == Deliberation == * there was no malfeasance alleged or found * Mike is a common short form for Michael * the dispute was filed by the person owning the account in question himself * the full from Michael was verified by a senior experienced assurer and arbitrator (Bas van den Dikkenberg) at an ATE == Ruling == I hereby order the first-name of the account in question "Mike Hulsman" to be altered to "Michael Hulsman" without any removal of either experience or assurance points.<
> The claimant is requested to revoke currently valid certificates, however this is not an order and is left to the discretion of the claimant. This ruling uses [[Arbitrations/a20090621.2]] as a precedent. Please see that ruling for rationale. == Execution == A: The claimant has been notified of the ruling by E-Mail<
> A: support@c.o has been requested to change the account by E-Mail<
> ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseAccountDataNameModificationsRequested