* Case Number: a20090510.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Sebastian Küppers * Respondents: Dirk Astrath * Complaint: User was assured with the wrong DoB Torsten Eichardt got 35 points from Dirk Astrath in the last CeBIT, Assuree has been informed about problem and says he entered a wrong DoB while creating his account. * Relief: {{{ (a) All existing assurances on this account must be revoked as they are not correct. (b) The account owner shall change his DoB to the correct value and inform the Case Manager If they are willing to do so, both Claimant and Respondent can assure this account after the account is corrected, since both have a valid CAP with the correct DoB }}} * Case Manager: Alejandro Mery * Arbitrator: Lambert Hofstra * Date of arbitration: 2009-05-18 ---- Log: * A 20090515 : A sent email to involved parties (C, R, Torsten), asking them to confirm they accept arbitration, and further info on the case * A 20090515 : C and R respond, accept arbitration, provide background (assurance on Cebit, was discussed, both C and R agree on the details. Both have valid CAP form with correct DoB * A 20090518 : Torsten responds, accepts arbitration, confrms wrong DoB, provides correct DoB (=identical as DoB claimed by C) * A 20090518 : CM revoked R's assurances to Torsten ---- . CategoryArbitration . [[CategoryArbCaseAccountDataDoB]]