. '''To Arbitration [[Arbitrations|Arbitrations]] - To Arbitration [[Arbitrations/Training|Training & Lessons]]''' . '''Back to [[Arbitrations/Meetings|Arbitration Team Meetings]]''' - '''To [[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101207|Previous meeting]]''' - '''To [[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110201|Next meeting]]''' ---- == Arbitration Team Meeting 2011-01-04 (21 CET / 20 UTC (wintertime!)) == . 1 '''Preliminaries''' . 1.1 Chair opens the Committee Meeting . 1.2 [[Arbitrations/Meetings/AcceptMinutes|Accept the Minutes]] '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101207| Minutes of the last Arbitration Team Meeting 2010-12-07]]''' (u60) . 2 '''Businesses''' - Important Note: '''Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Arbitration Team Meeting latest!''' .2.1 '''Action items from last meeting (Updates)''' added by UlrichSchroeter .2.1.1 '''Update on arbitration-archive (Update)''' added by UlrichSchroeter . It seems, the mailbox hasn't been created yet. . Action item: Mario, plz contact DRO to confirm working archive for arbitration and to send out notifications to arbitrators team .2.2 '''Name Change''' added by [[MartinGummi|Martin Gummi]] . How we handle a name change form 7bit to 8bit, example Case: [[Arbitrations/a20101227.1|Arbitrations/a20101227.1]] . 3 '''Question Time''' - Important Note: '''Questions from CAcert.org Community Members can be added until beginning of Arbitration Team Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here''' . 3.1 "Question One" added by YourName ''- Comment: Replace "Question One" by Your Question and add your Name'' . et cetera . 4 '''Closing''' . 4.1 Confirm next Arbitration Team Meeting: Usually every 1st Tuesday and the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 20:00 CEST (18 UTC). * Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 20 CET, 19 UTC (wintertime!) . 4.2 Chair closes the Arbitration Team Meeting . 4.3 Preparation of Minutes <
> == Minutes - Arbitration Team Meeting 2011-01-04 == * [21:03] Chair opens the meeting * Attendees: magu, thomas, uli * ''Top 1.2 accept minutes [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101207|from 2010-12-07]] (last meeting)'' * '''''Summary: ok, 1 aye, 2 abstain, accepted''''' * ''Top 2.1 Action items from last meeting'' * ''Top 2.1.1 Update on arbitration-archive'' * in the meanwhile the arbitration archiving mailbox has been created. DRO responded, that mailbox works, so therefor all arbitration mailings have to be CC'd to arbitration-archives AT cacert SPAMFREE DOT org * '''''Summary: information only''''' * ''Top 2.2 Name Change added by magu'' * How we handle a name change form 7bit to 8bit? * Discussion before meeting and lists of bug number in support mailing list [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-support/2010-12/msg00121.html]] dated 2010-12-28 leads to thats its more impractical to change to an umlaut (transliteration from 7bit to 8bit) as of current system bugs, before the bugs are solved * there are 2 topics to this case a. the question about the Umlaut in the ID doxs a. the question why the user would like to change the name * part a) can be handled by requesting fresh new assurances and ask the assurers if they've seen an umlaut in the id doxs. You can also ask old assurers if they have seen an umlaut in the id doxs by either request the info by email with a CARS statement or a CAP form scan. At least 2 or 3 verifications should be made so the users request can be verified by at least 2 responses (that means that counts 35 assurance pts each) to reach the 50 pts limit for using this name variant in a cert * part b) is an addtl. topic in this case ... 'cause its unusal that someone who used a transliterated name variant in the online account requesting a correction to an umlaut, so a question why he now would like to use the umlaut variant should be sent to the requestor. From the support mailing list a question from the user was sent a few days before the dispute filing, that points to the topic PGP/GPG key usage. This is a problem area, where PGP/GPG keys with umlauts in it results in errors in transfering the keys to CAcert (see bug#770). So its questionable to first correct the name with umlaut in the online account, to see later on, that this doesn't work as expected. So again a name change has to be made back to the transliterated variant, 'cause this is the only way that works w/o problems * the bug is added onto the bug tracking system [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=770|Bug #770]] and is still open * '''''Summary: Questions answered''''' * ''Top 3 Question Time'' * '''''Summary: No questions''''' * ''Top 4.1 Confirm next Arbitration Team Meeting'' * proposed: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 20 CET, 19 UTC * '''''Summary: no objections''''' * [21:45] Thanks for coming, Chair closes meeting <
> ==== Meeting Transcript ==== * [[Arbitrations/Meetings/Transcripts/transcript-meeting-110104|Meeting Transcript 2011-01-04]] ([[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/Meetings/Transcripts/Transcripts-Page-Template|Transcripts-Page-Template]]) <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbMeeting