= Advisory Minutes 20071108 = Teus, iang, Evaldo. == AGM == * Financial report * posted by Robert * Greg commented, was good. * ''Evaldo'' to check the financial report, then to wiki * executive report * is ok, can go on wiki ''evaldo'' * secretary's report * membership list is still work in progress * new members * some requests for nomination and seconding. * nominations should be done by a deadline 2 days before, 15th * seconding should be done by a signed email to secretary before the meeting * motions * most are proposed, seconders needed -- ''all to second'' * one motion not proposed: publish names of membership -- has not been proposed, can be discussed instead * CCA needs attention, ''m-sc'' exchange emails on this. * next ''wednesday target to get this sorted out'' == Systems Review == * systems moved, a few minor issues sorted out on the day * 1st step is to move the critical systems * servers laid out as is * Hans vdl * prepare CV, still more a technical guy than managerial * has been involved in interesting projects, need some way of communicating this to board (NL voting, sm-money) * get ggr and hans in contact? ''teus'' * Hans work * get access to the systems on critical, proceed with proposal to board * Hans is not Oophaga * concentrate on signing server * later steps * remote reboot: nc is possible supplier supplier * evaldo has some ideas for after systems are moved * no changes to critical systems at the current time -- decision * e.g., separate webserver from database server * backup path * auditor to follow up as empowered by board. ''iang'' * board to figure out how to get access to code * passphrases located how/where? * get some locations mapped. * decision to move the systems * m-sc + philipp to prepare the plan * get everyone's comment on it * place that before the board? * at AGM? Dates? * software development * ascii may be able to help * email servers fully moved to NL * hardware * request to Oophaga for server documentation is work in progress * Rudy E visited Bit, wrote down physical situation, took photos * Rudy E + vD - cabling should be readjusted * planning date for re-cabling needed * perhaps take along Hans == Assurance == * '''s20071025.1''' sent to CATS team. * server is ready, domain in place, SSL ok * security * ascii code review: lots of vulnerabilities, needs some work * cross-editing, breach identities, cross-site scripting, can use cert to lock into another site, can do SQL injection * not so much worried if server gets hacked * management-subcommittee voted to have the basic security flaws fixed before the site goes into use. * Jens + Michelle to get the fixes in place. == Business == * internal PR * AGM is 10-20 people, top is 10-15: only 35 or so who know what is going on * report to members * monthly newsletter? quartely status report? * there is a checkbox for whether people get notification * ask GGR to lead off with first article, ''teus'' to ask * add audit, AGM, Education. * CCA has to be stressed but see below. * mission is quality improvement on assurance * management sub-committee agrees to prepare and publish a regular report * * put in SVN tree, translated, without referring to it * translingo -- switch to rosetta? * ask for plus & minus points from ''evaldo'' * Dutch NLNLG has happened. * press reports on Oophaga * Teus question #1: user agreement: no * Teus question #2: quality assurance: yes * Teus question #3: user agreement: yes of course! == Policies == * Main web site to refer to NRP-DaL, ''evaldo'' to ask Philipp == Dispute Resolution == * ''teus'' and ''iang'' to try again on dispute resolution .... == Misc == * Officers are busier * support is flooded because of mail system migration * Guillaume is handling it ok == END ==