= Advisory Minutes 20071011 = Teus, Iang == Board == * contacted ib, will meet in London november. * in contact with Alain W and Mike B; email from Greg S from and got a name, phil => to greg S. * Peter SA, very involved * no/yet PM; Christian; WH * Evaldo: some cautionary remarks to follow up. == UK + Scandanavia == * Linux Format UK-based journal, how to get an article written? * contact Son.net? * Olav voip Asterix ... == AGM == * draft call prepared by Teus, evaldo to send out. * need to send out proposals to secretary nominating board members. * teus will nominate the current board * jens to nominate teus * ask for seconders. * blog AGM substitutes as call for now == Policies == * OA is work-in-progress, Jens. * send ping to philipp to handle Austrian SubPol, wait for DE draft. iang * name change: Registered User Agreement ==> CAcert Community Agreement need one more vote * NDA clause proposed, iang suggests simple one, Greg suggests more complex form * transfer of rights, waiting on Jens to comment on FSFE, Teus to ping George G at iang who is German legal type and can comment, there is an open source community lawyer group, Shane. * early next week: exchange draft work list on NRP-DaL + CCA * assurance testing system, is there a date that it starts? Jens to explain? == Business == * PR into the USA, can Greg S look at that? * marketing, statistics? ==> sustainability * http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/SelfSustainabilityIdeas started * looking at income/fees and volunteer donations when certs are picked up * organisational donations / biz model * getting too deep, let's pick it up with Greg S. * PR is an issue, press releases are not coming out, not being reviewed. * the Oophaga PR will be a crucial test. * Johan is working with Philip to redesign web page, logo, advert, partner logos changes. == Dispute Resolution == * Still on Teus' list. Iang to look up case manager ideas. == Systems Administration == * Communication happening. * Philipp sent list of names to M-SC. * Teus to look at the information on these people. * 3 other names: Evaldo, Sebastian, Mario. * Hans V ... will ping coming week. * How to deal with dual control? Let's share some proposals. Iang + Teus. == Misc == * next Advisory meeting? After AGM, Jens to discuss. * 5th December every family is with Santa Claus, else they are sent to Spain, all NL is closed == End ==