= Advisory Minutes 20070906 = Teus, Iang == FSFE == Teus had discussions with George G. 3 issues: i. Open source documents licence caused CAcert a problem with CPS. difficulties caused CAcert to rewrite entire CPS, being the most difficult document we have. For now, it is a case study in what can go wrong, nothing to be done now. GG: FSF-Europe is not FSF-USA. Issues with US lawyers who are involved with FSF-USA difference between the lawyers and RS? CAcert has different needs, have to own the documents because of criteria paranoia. Iang should meet GG in Vienna after the 'top'. For source code discussion we need Philipp as well. i. Some discussions on how to walk hand-in-hand with FSF Europe to combine efforts with free certs and GnuPG. CAcert should be mentioned by FSF-Europe. Some talk about the PGP card. Seems like a great idea but may be premature for CAcert at the current time. i. Discussed EU funding. GG is willing to cooperate. EU does not as yet fund these areas, this is a "black spot." Also possibility is ISOC. GG has no connections but TH does. == Meeting Arrangments == * Iang: started writing up my presentations in a paper format for the "audit" day, wednesday. basically lots of time required to write down what is basically a "quick-get-up-to-speed" paper for the board. * Jens is on top of meeting arrangements. We could help on agenda, setting up more scripting so there is a flow to follow, if needed. * We need to get a template out to the officers for their reports. == Misc == Skype was failing on us, maybe local wifi problems. Try again tomorrow. for 30 mins meeting, probably 8 calls. == END ==