. '''To [[AGM|AGM]]''' - '''To [[AGM/Next]]''' - '''To [[AGM/BoardReport/2014|AGM Board Report 2014]]'''


= AGM 2013/2014 - Diary =

 * Diary from year before [[AGM/Diary/2013|AGM Diary 2010-2013]]

=== Proposed date for AGM:  2014-07-20 ===

=== Reviewed: ===

 * [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php|board motions]]
 * [[https://blog.cacert.org/|blog]]
 * [[Community/Update]]
 * [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes|Board's minutes]]
##   * [[your name here]] 201407xx

=== To review: ===
 * /!\ [[https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/CAcert_Inc/General_Meetings/AGM-20100130/CAcert_Annual_Report_2009.pdf|Annual Report forward looking statement]] (2009 - replace with 2013/2014)

=== Notes: ===
 * '''DO NOT bother with formatting or links''' because this has to be reformatted for final publishing in some document preparation tool
 * ''only major events are entered here ... if it is better reported by the Team then we should do that.''


== CAcert's Year ==
== July 2013 to June 2014 ==

 * Oophaga closing down
   * In spring 2013 Oophaga informed CAcert about it's closedown. An agreement with secure-u! was set up to continue. The final agreements were signed in August 2013.

 * New roots & escrow
   * An agreement was signed to force the generation and escrow of new (audit-conform) root certificates.

 * CA/B-forum
   * An agreement is to be signed by a CAcert Inc. member to be an interested party in the CA/B-forum.

 * New community-portal cacert.eu
   * A new community-portal was launched. This is one step to move the "find an assurer"-function from critcal to non-critical.

 * Moved CAcert-Hardware to a smaller cabinet
   * During winter CAcert-Hardware at BIT was moved to a half-size cabinet to save money. Thanks to BIT!

 * New server
   * During winter a new infrastructure-server had been installed at BIT. This server is bigger, less power-consuming and therefore saves money. Thanks to secure-u and Thomas Krenn.

 * Removed Tunix-firewall and phone-line for router-configuration
   * During winter the outdated firewall had been replaced by the critical team.

 * Organisation Assurer
   * Appointed Andreas Terpotiz as new Organisation Assurer.
   * Appointed Daniel Salcher as new Organisation Assurer.

 * Trusted Third Party Extension
   * Allow TTP-assurers to nominate new team members
   * Extended TTP to more countries

 * Internal Audit
   * Appointed Benedikt Heintel as internal auditor

 * CCA agreement change
   * Inform all members about a change in the CCA acceptance in software

 * Policy Officer
   * Appointed Eva Stöwe as new Policy Officer

 * PGP/GnuPG keyserver
   * Installed a new keyserver to protect privacy when signing PGP/GnuPG-keys

 * Heartbleed
   * Board recognised the significant effort made by all in resolving this incident.

 * continuing moving CAcert to Europe
   * A team (build by boardmembers and non-board-members) is working heavily on the move to Europe.

 * Security issues
  * Heartbleed
      * In the beginning of April there were a security issue named Heartbleed.
      * Critical servers were not affected, some non-critical servers were affected.
      * Software was updated nearly immediately, certificates were replaced and passwords changed.
  * Internal secure-team-communication
      * Initiated by the heartbleed-discussion team-wide secure-communications was requested.

 * Arbitration
   * Appointed Eva Stöwe as a new case manager and Arbitrator

 * Milestones reached during the last year
   * CAcert issued over 1 million certificates
   * Software team installed the "CCA"-rollout patch, where every member has to agree to the CCA actively
   * More than 250.000 CAcert community members
   * Added more Hash-Algorithms to extend CAcert certificate security

== Inputs & Thoughts ==

 . YYYYMMDD-YourName

 . {{{
Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please

 . [[CategoryCAcertInc]]